Οι πιο 'οτιθελωκανω' στιχοι που εχετε ακουσει!


Ο Λήτης όταν έπαιζε με τους Τρυκ. Το κομμάτι λέγεται “Ποδανά”. Πάρε και την μεταφραση!

Μαιει ναει διπαι (είμαι ένα παιδί)
Που ζειπαι θαρακι (που παίζει κιθάρα)
Ληο ραμε (όλη μέρα)

Χωε μια μεναγκο (έχω μια γκόμενα)
Που ναι ει λητριαπω (που είναι πωλήτρια)
Την μωγα από το λοκω (την γαμάω από το κώλο)

Δεν ραζειπει να σαιει λοστρε (δεν πειράζει να είσαι τρελός)
Χιος χιος (όχι όχι)
Ραζειπει ραζειπει (πειράζει πειράζει)
Να σαιεί λακαμας (να είσαι μαλάκας)

Μη σε νειπια η ρανοιαπα (Μη σε πιάνει η παρανιά)
Γεφυ γεφυ κριαμα (φύγε φύγε μακριά)
Δεν σταρωγου ποτατι (δεν γουστάρω τίποτα)
Γιατί τα πωβλε (γιατί τα βλέπω)
Λαο λαο ποδανα (όλα όλα ανάποδα)

Δεν ραζειπει να σαιει λοστρε (δεν πειράζει να είσαι τρελός)
Χιος χιος (όχι όχι)
Ραζειπει ραζειπει (πειράζει πειράζει)
Να σαιεί λακαμας (να είσαι μαλάκας)

Την είχα βγάλει, εννοούσα δεν το χα ποιος το λέει! Ωραίος! Ποδανά ρε!

Κούναγε το πλοίο
Και τα έβγαλα όλα
Και κάποιος να μου φέρει μια δραμαμίνη
Και ζήτω ο σατανάς
Και όλα τα σκοτείνα πλάσματα του δάσους.

Τα μπούτια σου τα σέξυ



ρε παιδες…σοβαρα συγκροτηματα λεμε…:stuck_out_tongue: οχι αυτα π η ολη εικονα τσ ειναι ψυχαγωγικη…

__Ρε παιδιά, ποιό νόημα του Starway…? Δε υπονοεί άλλα απ’ ότι λέει, δεν έχει και κανα φοβερό νόημα και βασικά, έχει βάση το ότι δεν βγάζουν νόημα τα lyrics από την άποψη πως δεν είναι γραμμένα με “λογικό” ειρμό. Ο ίδιος ο Πλάντ είχε δηλώσει αν δεν κάνω λάθος, πως “ήμουν στο λεωφορείο είδα να περνάμε από ένα φράχτη και έγραψα για έναν φράχτη”… Μια χαρά είναι οι στίχοι, αλλά είναι σίγουρα “ότιθέλωκάνω”, χωρίς όμως να είναι έντονο αυτό. Πάντως, δεν είναι, ας πούμε, ιστορία για κάποιον που λέει στην κοπέλα του “Babe I’m gonna leave you” ή "Ρε μαγκίτη Joe, πού πας με το όπλο στο χέρι σου;’ :smiley:

__Λοιπόν, εμένα οι πρώτοι που μου ήρθαν στο μυαλό (πριν σκεφτώ τον Patton και κάψω εγκεφαλικά κύτταρα :lol:) ήταν από τους Spock’s Beard, το Thoughts, part II (υπάρχει και “part I”) όπου ο τύπος μιλάει με τον εαυτό του, έχει ένα εσωτερικό debate για το αν πρέπει να πάει και να μιλήσει /τα ξαναβρει με την κοπέλα του. ΑΠΟΛΑΥΣΤΙΚΟΤΑΤΟΙ, πρέπει όμως να τους ακούσετε για να πάρετε μία σωστή γεύση, καθώς η ερμηνεία του Morse (φωνή) καθώς και το πώς έχουν γράψει το τραγούδι για να ταιριάζει με αυτό το concept είναι που πραγματικά κλέβει την παράσταση. :wink:

__Δυστυχώς δεν βρήκα τη studio εκδοχή ή κάποιο live με τον Morse, αλλά κι ΑΥΤΟ το video είναι πολύ καλό. Καλύτερα ακούστε πρώτα το original (από τον δίσκο τους “V”). Ορίστε και οι στίχοι:

[I]I thought I’d come to you and say
All the things I had on my mind
I thought it might be really great
To show you how I feel inside
Then I think … MAYBE NOT …

You wouldn’t speak to me
I would be left behind
We’d be through if you knew
All the things in my mind
I’d probably feel worse
You’d probably scream and shout
Scratch and curse or even worse
Quietly shut me out

I thought I’d come to you and say
Everything within my heart
I just can’t look the other way
And wait for us to grow apart
Then I think … WHAT’S THE POINT?

This might just go away
I think I’ll think some more
Either way I will pay
And suffer for evermore
You wouldn’t speak to me
I would be left behind
We’d be through if you knew
All the things in my mind

I thought I’d come to you and say
All the things I had on my mind …[/I]

__Και σχεδόν ταυτόχρονα μου ήρθαν και οι “δάσκαλοι τους”, οι πρώτοι διδάξοντες… οι Gentle Giant με το “κούκου-ρούκου”… ε με το Knots! …όποιος τους λύσει (και το τραγουδήσει) είναι άξιος συγχαρητηρίων. :smiley: ΦΟΒΕΡΟ κομμάτι. Μην προσπαθήσετε και πολύ να βγάλετε νόημα διαβάζοντας, πρέπει να το ακούσετε για να δείτε πως κάνουν Ο,ΤΙ θέλουν με τα φωνητικά και τους στίχους, καθώς και γιατί του έδωσαν αυτό το όνομα -Knots 8)

__Απολαύστε ΕΔΩ το video στην στούντιο εκδοχή του και ΕΔΩ στη live (που είναι και λίγο μεγαλύτερη).

[I]All in all each man in all men
All men in each man.
He can see she can’t, she can see she can
see whatever, whatever.
You may know what I don’t know, but not that
I don’t know it and I can’t tell you so you will.

To tell me all man in all men
All men in each man.
He can see she can’t, she can see she can
see whatever, whatever.
You may know what I don’t know, but not that
I don’t know it and I can’t tell you
so you will have to tell me all.

It hurts him to think that she is
hurting her by him being hurt to think
that she thinks he is hurt by making her
feel guilty at hurting him by her thinking
she wants him to want her. He wants her to
want him to get him to want him to get
him to want her she pretends.

He tries to make her afraid by not
being afraid. (permutations)
You may know what I don’t know, but not
that I don’t know it and I can’t
tell you so you will have to tell me all.

I get what I deserve. I deserve what I
get. I have it so I deserve it. I deserve
it for I have it. I get what I deserve.
What I deserve - what I deserve what I get.
I have it so I deserve.

He tries to make her afraid by not being afraid[/I]

Αν και δεν εχω πολυακουσει τους Beatles, μου εκανε τρελη εντυπωση παρανοιας και ισως υπερβολικης εππηρειας ναρκωτικων, το I Am The Walrus

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.
I’m crying.

Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.
Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody tuesday.
Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, goo goo g’joob.

Mister city policeman sitting
Pretty little policemen in a row.
See how they fly like lucy in the sky, see how they run.
I’m crying, i’m crying.
I’m crying, i’m crying.

Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dog’s eye.
Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess,
Boy, you been a naughty girl you let your knickers down.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, goo goo g’joob.

Sitting in an english garden waiting for the sun.
If the sun don’t come, you get a tan
From standing in the english rain.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, goo goo g’joob g’goo goo g’joob.

Expert textpert choking smokers,
Don’t you thing the joker laughs at you?
See how they smile like pigs in a sty,
See how they snied.
I’m crying.

Semolina pilchard, climbing up the eiffel tower.
Elementary penguin singing hari krishna.
Man, you should have seen them kicking edgar allan poe.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, goo goo g’joob g’goo goo g’joob.
Goo goo g’joob g’goo goo g’joob g’goo.

Αν δεν ειναι αυτοι “οτιθελωκανω” στιχοι, τοτε παραδινομαι :stuck_out_tongue:

ΕΛ.ΤΑ., Η.Λ.Π.Α.Π., Η.Σ.Α.Π., Ο.Σ.Ε., Ο.Γ.Α. και Φ.Κ.Ε
Ε.Π.Ε., Ο.Ε., Α.Ε., Υ.Π.Π.Ε., ΚΟΥΠΛΕ
Α.Τ.Α., Α.Τ.Ε., Ε.Τ.Β.Α., Ε.Τ.Ε., Ο.Ο.Σ.Α., Κ.Θ.Β.Ε.,
Ε.ΔΗ.Κ., Ε.Ρ.Ε., Ε.Ν.Ε.Π., Ν.Δ., Κ.Κ.Ε. (μ-λ),
Ε.Ι.Ν.Α.Π., ΕΣ.Υ., Γ.Σ.Ε.Ε., Δ.Σ., ΖΟΥΛΟΥ

Δ.Ε.Η., ΠΑ.ΣΟ.Κ., Κ.Α.Π.Η., Ο.Τ.Ε.,
ΚΥ.ΣΥΜ., ΚΥ.Σ.Ε.Α., Γ.Ε.Ε.Θ.Α., Γ.Ε.Σ.,
Κ.Κ.Ε., ΣΕ.ΛΕ.ΤΕ., Κ.Α.Τ.Ε.

Θα πάρω σιδερόβεργα, μολότοφ κι αλυσίδες
και θα τα κάνω όλα βίδες
Θα πάω στον Καραμπελιά που 'χει λεβέντες νέους
αναρχικούς κι ωραίους


Aπολιτιστοι + Πλοκαμι του καρχαρια…ΤΕΛΟΣ:lol::lol:

ειμαι νιντζα,ειμαι νιντζα
μηπως θες ενα αστερακι του νιντζα?

μια χαρα ριμα κανει!απορριπτεται!ααχαχα!

German beer’s among the finest
The beer is pure and chemical free
A standard set which we are proud of
A standard met by no other land
Purity laws and chemical free
No body pollution - no change!
Preservatives shall soon be common
And the beer will be bastardized
Chemical invasion
Fight for your right to drink pure beer
Chemical invasion
It’s your right the time is here
Make a stand and try to fight it
They’ll poison us with import beer
'Cause German beer - it is the purest
And there’s no room for chemical here
Purity laws and chemical free
No body pollution - no change!
No loss for us - refuse to buy it
We’ll rather keep our bodies clean

Ελα μωρε Tankard :vibrate:

Οκ, επίσης αραχνιασμένο θρεντ…κρίμα όμως που έχει λίγα posts, γιατί είναι πολύ ενδιαφέρον και χωράει πολύ πράγμα. Θα αναφέρω μπάντες που φαίνεται ότι έχουν πολύ πράγμα κρυμμένο πίσω απ’τους στίχους τους, και είναι εμφανές ότι έχει πέσει δουλεία (οκ, και ντρόγκα στανταρ) για να γραφτούν, αλλά πραγματικά, μα πραγματικά, δεν βγαίνει άκρη με τίποτα.

Επίσης κάποιες φορές όταν διαβάζω στίχους απο αυτές τις μπάντες ανατριχιάζω. Και ας μην καταλαβαίνω Χριστό

Αναφέρω,αρχικά,2 μπάντες, και άμα το thread ξαναπάρει μπρος, μπορεί να πώ και καμμια άλλη

The Mars Volta

The Mars Volta

I think I’ve become like one of the others
I think I’ve become like one of the others
I think I’ve become like one of the others

There was a frail syrup dripping off
His lap danced lapel, punctuated by her
Decrepit prowl she washed down the hatching
Gizzard soft as a mane of needles
His orifice icicles hemorrhaged
By combing her torso to a pile
Perspired the trophy shelves made room for his collapse
She was a mink hand job in sarcophagus heels …


I’m the scenery of vendetta
Mind and soul
I’m the shapeless victory
Order and suppression

All in the tower of the virgin
Triumphant in a pale gray light
In despire of how to deal with it
A sweet, turbulent intoxication

Rapidly I yearn to bare the mark
In a tragic understatement of the lions force
A tribe who’s independence is no longer
Disturbed by the ragged interception of happy thorns

As I face the whispering
I answer to the master
A biochemical trembling
Voices in my head…

…In my hand I hold the science, of which
Nothing can ever penetrate
In my hand I hold the plague
Where silence will proceed
Wild bindings, an opportunity for great men,
And with or without them in honor, just for fun
I mingle with the fountains of all that I’ve seen

Substantial is the millenium
And proud is the frog that predicated his amusement

All for benefit of reluctant ideas
Like envy is the falsehood, while the morning after
Is all that is between us
As laughter is planted in mortal void
And unwilling wisdom is abroad

Wandering alone in this shapeless halls of nothing
And watch it increase as the shining becomes stronger
This stranger is a “place” for you to rest

Ρε πούστη μου και τώρα που τα γράφω πάλι ανατριχιάζω. Τι θεϊκή ανωμαλία είναι αυτή

The Blood Brothers - Cecilia and the Silhouette Saloon

[spoiler]Murder=White Out.
Cancer=Birth Blouse.
Mirror=Perfect Glass Spouse.
Oil=Sex Paint.
Shower=Water Saint.
Death Decodes the howls from our hands.
Skull=Noise Nest.
TV=Fuck Test.
Mirror=Siamese Gun Kiss.
Sugar=Birth Bait.
Murder=Loves Fate.

Death distills the camouflage from our dance.
Death inverts the red from romance.
Death x-rays the angels of chance.
Death; the anti-mirror of infants.
Like a picture hiding beneath the digital avalanche.

When Cecilia’s grave cracked like a dirt cocoon, she pulled up a stool at the silhouette saloon.
The player piano mumbling crippled jigs. Black widows knitting victimless wigs.
When Cecilia’s throat slit like a second set of lips, she drooled braille bibles onto the brothel bed spread.
Like an egg whose yoke defies child bearing hips. Like a ghost who fears all the deceased and dead.

(Time eats the flesh and spits out the shadow like a useless wishbone.)

But that locket spinning around her neck, whose hearth heats a dead valentine, you know the phantom trail leads way
to a muted grave.

Where is his voice now? A dead tone in the flutter of drunken wings.
Where is his blushed cheek now? A face unraveled in shadow, veiled in blind laughter.
Where are those sex ripened lips? His kiss print still warm on several necks.

Where is love now?[/spoiler]

Circle Takes The Square - Kill The Switch

[spoiler]Mouth the words to deny, deny the symptoms,
As “Oh yeah I’m doing fine”,
As I’ve found a most endearing psychosis.
Somewhere out there there’s a thrill, I swear.
Desperate as I am, I just can’t strip bare
And bleed the only purity I’ve known.

But I lay with reason,
Found logic concieved in a walk with skin.
I sleep in reason, producing these monsters,
Under painted catcalls as in temptation.
Yeah, there’s a key to be in,
But there’s no shade, no shade to blame.
Waterfalls in a cool grey,
And the struggle is colored grey this day.
The caw of crows fills up the picture plane.
This is our picture plane veiled in central neutral grey.

Absinthe to slight the pain,
This world’s this worst case color scheme.
Streaks of oil stain,
Stained the road he crawled on homeward.
Oh yeah, oh yeah, he killed the switch,
With some unwieldy gauge, absence and light remain.
I lay with reason, found logic and reap in a walk with sin.
El sueño razon produce monsinios.

When does this dream end?
Now I’ve missed another whole season,
I’ve missed the fall, clearly it’s fallen on this land
As fields once green are ochre now.
This is no dream.
Trees have turned to skeleton,
Roots teased and knotted,
Just below the surface skin of ground.
Stitched between the earth and the sky,
Struggling to hold it down.

Sometimes to realize you got to lose track of sight,
Blurring my vision makes it clear the tiny moving parts make up the whole.
The image is clear, a tower is built of my own pride,
I cry in the shade that if offers, the only shelter I’ve known.
When does this dream end? When does this dream end?
This is no dream.
This is the walking, living, breathing caricature of a memory.
Shamelessly I cave into temptation of creation,
But still my only thrill is empty sidewalks, silent streets.
The caw of crows fills up the picture plane.
This is your picture plain in central neutral grey.

Absinthe to slight the pain,
This world’s this worst case color scheme.
Streaks of oil stain,
Stained the road he crawled on homeward.
Oh yeah, oh yeah, he killed the switch,
With some unwieldy gauge, absence and light remain.
Life is lowly anonymity,
In death a noble pose, a Marat David.

Tell me who wouldn’t give their lives
For such a soap box to die behind?
Life is lowly, lowly anonymity.
In the space of a smile I found sleep.

As in sorrow, so shall ye reap,
(As in reason so shall ye sleep.)
Reap the promised end to the struggle,
Reap every point on our linear path.
Reap the smiles in time we borrow,
Every harvest relies on the last.
Reap the promising song of the sparrow,
That they learned from the birth of the sea.
Silenced by the threnody of the crows,
Reap the fallen fruit of the dogwood tree.
But I witnessed in all this silence
One soul’s definition of beauty.
A backlit smile so temporary,
A facade so rich with evil history.
Cast in direct opposition,
Set to overwhelm his moment to shine and sleep.
Came out on top of what was borrowed,
And found all that beauty to be still.

Every breath as in sorrow,
Reap the promised end to this path,
By every image that we borrow,
Every harvest depends on the past.

Subdivide in factions our linear forever,
We subdivide our waking hours to sleep.
While guilty eyes turn toward a porchlight,
Enlightenment is losing sight.
Somewhere out there there’s a thrill, I swear.
In this low light town when my shift begins
The street’s reflecting yellow, yellow, yellow,
In the vacancy that overwhelms the red, red, red,
Your vehicle the color of expansion.

“Open up.” “Open up.” “Open up.”
The latter just a thought to thrill me
“Knock knock knock” “Knock knock knock” “Knock knock knock”
The latter just a thought to thrill me.
“Red” is a four letter word.
Four letter invitation.
Now my head is locked in the direction of the sun.

In the direction of the sun.
In the direction of the sun.
Now my head is locked in the direction of the sun.
In the direction of the sun.

Life is lowly anonymity,
In death a noble prose, a Marat David.
Tell me, who wouldn’t give their lives
For such a soap box to leave behind?

I know it’s all been done before,
I want to do it again.
I know it’s all been done before.

Life is lowly anonymity,
In death a noble prose, a Marat David.
Life is lowly anonymity.

I know it’s all been done before,
I want to do it again. I want to do it again.
I know it’s all been done before,
I want to do it again. I want to do it again.
I know it’s all been done before,
I want to do it again. I want to do it again.

Life is lowly anonymity,
In death a noble prose, a Marat David.
Life is lowly anonymity.
Life is lowly anonymity.
Life is lowly anonymity.
Life is lowly anonymity.

Kill the switch.
This night our journey’s through the dark.

Kill the switch, kill the switch,
A welcome comatose,
Tonight we journey through the darkness.
Kill the switch, kill the switch,
A welcome comatose,
Tonight we journey through the darkness.
Kill the switch, kill the switch,
A welcome comatose,
Tonight we journey through the darkness.
Kill the switch, kill the switch,
A welcome comatose,
Tonight we journey through the darkness.

This night our journey’s through the dark.
This night our journey’s through the dark.
This night our journey’s through the dark.

As in sorrow, so shall ye weep,
As in reason, so shall ye sleep.
As in sorrow, so shall ye weep,
As in reason, so shall ye sleep.[/spoiler]

Scars on Broadway - Stoner Hate

Is a word to me, mama mia
Losing all my patience with the all of fabrications
It’s so easy to say, easy to say
When you sing LA LA LA LA LA
Stoner hate has got your back
California’s been invaded by a hippie psychopath
When you sing LA LA LA LA LA
Stoner hate has got your back
California’s been invaded by a hippie psychopath

Cause I’m rude, obnoxious, with an intent
To kill
Rude, obnoxious, with an intent
To kill

Υοu stole my moment!
Δεν υφίσταται τίποτα από όσα έχει γράψει ποτέ ο Aldrahn. Καμία επαφή με τίποτα, και για κανένα λόγο.
Και για να το παίξω ολτέρνατιβ θα ποστάρω [SIZE=“4”]THORNS [/SIZE]
Shifting channels
A corroded smile
Sleepless murderer in the hallway
This change of seasons is final

Useless climate, staring at me
Yearning, yearning to be free
The unpredictable sense of a short road
An epidemic that comprehends

Vindictive presence, conceived by me
The ultimate empathy
The melting hand controls me
Evidently he will kill me

A splendid parasite
In the wounded gesture of incompetence
Swore to intoxicate the monster
A spellbinder underneath the sky

Useless climate, staring at me
Yearning, yearning to be free
The unpredictable sense of a short road
An epidemic that comprehends

Ενδόδημο ρεσιτάλ μαγικού ρεαλισμου πάντως έχει δώσει ο Άσιμος - κάθε φορά που ακούω αυτό το τραγούδι απορώ. μα κάθε φορά. και στη ναυαρχίδα γελάω. μα κάθε φορά.
Παραθέτω χάιλαϊτς :lol:


Λίνα, Λίνα, καρδερίνα
Θα σε δω τον άλλο μήνα
Μ? έχεις κλείσει στην κουζίνα
Κι έγινες και μπαλαρίνα.

Λίνα, Λίνα, σαν σε είδα
Ένιωσα σαν ναυαρχίδα
Κι έσκασες σαν καταιγίδα
Στην χλωρίδα και πανίδα.

Τώρα λες πως σου ανήκα
Μα δεν πλήρωνα το ΙΚΑ
Θα ?ταν μεγαλομανία
Αν με γράφαν στα ταμεία.

Λίνα, Λίνα, παίρνω φόρα
Κι όλα τ? άπλυτα στη φόρα
Έχεις ομορφιά φιδίσια
Τι γυρεύεις στα Πατήσια;

I shot the devil and I killed the priest
And I’ll live forever cause I ride the beast
I eat the wealthy and I killer the poor
I rob the others blind and I’m coming back for more.

Α ρε skull fist!

Υπάρχει και ένα κομμάτι του Τσελεντάνο όπου για 4 λεπτά τραγουδάει ασυναρτησίες θέλοντας να δείξει πως αντιλαμβάνονται οι Ιταλοί την αγγλική γλώσσα…

Adriano Celentano & Rafaela Cara

in de col men seivuan
prisencolinensinainciusol ol rait
uis de seim cius men
op de seim ol uat men
in de colobos dai
ciak is e maind beghin de col
bebi stei ye push yo oh
uis de seim cius men
in de colobos dai
not is de seim laikiu
de promisdin iu nau
in trabol lovgiai ciu gen
in do camo not cius no bai
for lov so op op giast
cam lau ue cam lov ai
oping tu stei laik cius
go mo men
iu bicos tue men cold
dobrei gorls
oh sandei…

ai ai smai sesler
eni els so co uil piso ai
in de col men seivuan

prisencolinensinainciusol ol rait
uei ai sint no ai
giv de sint laik de cius
nobodi oh gud taim lev feis go
uis de seim et seim cius
go no ben let de cius
end kai for not de gai giast stei
ai ai smai senflecs
eni go for doing peso ai
in de col mein seivuan
prisencolinensinainciusol ol rait
lu nei si not sicidor
ah es la bebi la dai big iour

ai ai smai senflecs
eni go for doin peso ai
in de col mein saivuan
prisencolinensinainciusol ol rait
lu nei si not sicodor
ah es la bebi la dai big iour

και μια αγγλική μετάφραση :lol::lol:

[QUOTE=]Δεν υφίσταται τίποτα από όσα έχει γράψει ποτέ ο Aldrahn. Καμία επαφή με τίποτα, και για κανένα λόγο.[/QUOTE] Εϊναι έτσι ακριβώς. Ο άνθρωπος ΔΕΝ ΥΠΑΡΧΕΙ, απλά

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