Diablo 3

ε καποια στιγμη θα σπασει:D

Blizzard ειναι αυτη… μη περιμενεις ετσι ευκολα μειωση τιμης… ειδικα το καλοκαιρι!

οποιος θελει γκεστ πας εχω δυο να δωσω ας με πμαρει και του στελνω κωδικο:)
(και εχω και ενα για wow)

ΠΑιδια το παιχνιδι ειναι μονο Multiplayer δηλαδη παιζεις μονο online ?

Μπορείς να παίξεις single άλλα απαιτείται ενεργή σύνδεσή στο internet όλη την ώρα. Δηλαδή άμα δεν έχεις internet δεν λειτουργει το παιχνίδι. Για το αυθεντικό πάντα.

Για σπασμενο; Ξερεις ;

Δεν έχω ιδέα.

Εβγαλαν εναν emulator στον skidrow αλλα λενε οτι εχει πολλα bugs

εβγαλαν το πατς 1.0.3 αλλα λεω πως εχει πολλες μαλακιες αλλαγες

Για πιο λογο θελει στο single player συνεχεια Internet ??
μαλακια μεγαλη

γιατι ειναι καραγκιοζιδες…δε σκαω φραγκο για diablo 3

σημερα εφαγα διαμπλο στο ινφερνο :smiley:
ειμαι ο πρωτος; ειμαι ο μονος; εσεις γενικα που ειστε; ειστε ευχαριστημενοι με το παιχνιδι κτλ :stuck_out_tongue:

παντως μιλουσα σημερα με ενα φιλαρακι μου και το τελειωσε σε 1 μερα…για την ακριβεια γυρω στις 14 ωρες…υπερβολικα λιγο μου φαινεται…θυμαμαι το diablo 2 εκανα αρκετο καιρο για να το τερματισω…

Ναι αλλά αυτό που ξέχασε να σου πεί είναι οτι το τελείωσε στο Normal επίπεδο. Μετά έχει Nightmare, Hell, Inferno να ακολουθούν. Οπότε ναι σε 14 ώρες το τελείωσε στο ευκολότερο επίπεδο όλων. Έχει ψωμιά ακόμα εαν βέβαια το επιθυμει να τερματίσει σε όλα τα επίπεδα. Πάντως στο Inferno θα αφήσει τα κοκκαλάκια του για καιρό.

Δεν τον έφαγα ακόμα. Είμαι ΑΚΤ 3 και το παλεύω. Γενικά μαρέσει το παιχνίδι…το μόνο που με χαλάει είναι η εξάρτηση απο το Auction House που χωρίς αυτό τα αντικείμενα που πέφτουν δεν είναι τόσο καλά ώστε να προχωρήσεις. Δηλαδή η αγοράζεις και προχωράς ή παλεύεις με αυτά που σου πέφτουν (εαν και όποτε) και ενδεχομένως να κολλήσεις σε κάποιο σημείο. Στο Diablo II χωρίς να μπορείς να έχεις την πολυτέλεια να πουλάς, σου έπεφταν αρκετά καλά αντικείμενα για να βελτιώνεις τον χαρακτήρα σου και α προχωράς χωρίς να έχεις την εξάρτηση του ανύπαρκτου τότε Auction House.

Θέλει βελτίωση ακόμα αλλά έτσι ήταν και ο προκάτοχος του. Με τα κατάλληλα patches θα γίνει ακόμα καλύτερο ευελπιστώ.

ψάχνω παιχνίδι να καώ καθώς λεφτά για διακοπές δεν υπάρχουν (έφαγα και έναν μπουλο από την εφορία που ήταν όλος δικός μου)…να βάλω ή να “επενδύσω” αλλού;
κριτικές που διάβασα πάντως δεν λένε και τα καλύτερα πχ στο αμαζον του έβαλαν 156 μοναστερα

348 Reviews
5 star: (63)
4 star: (49)
3 star: (33)
2 star: (47)
1 star: (156)


I am going to be brutally honest about this review.

I have Diablo and Diablo 2. Played Diablo 2 and finished hell level. Played softcore, hardcore as well as PvP.

Overall, I’m going to say this: THIS GAME IS NOT FUN TO PLAY. What game can be considered good if it’s not fun?

Note: mobs - monsters

Plus of this game:

  1. More hints to help you move along the game. More idiot-proof (too much guidance in my opinion, but some players may like it)
  2. Relatively enjoyable cutscenes, though it’s repeated for every character class with little variation. Both genders offered for each of the 5 character classes.
  3. Bigger stash, shared among characters so transferring between characters is easier. Items take up less space compared to previous games.
  4. References to older games which many players can identify with.
  5. Abilities are more impressive, lots of explosions and earth shaking attacks.

Minus of this game:

  1. IT IS NOT FUN TO PLAY. This is the biggest problem. Save yourself the anguish and go play some other game that’s fun to play. I believe most gamers expect to at least finish the game and enjoy it while doing so. This is the biggest problem with this game - balance. The game has not been play-tested properly and sufficiently for balance. Some mobs are relatively meek but others are downright impossible to go up against. Elite mobs are more difficult than bosses.

  2. Part of the fun in Diablo and Diablo 2 is in finding nice items (loot) when killing mobs. The items drops in this game are bad enough that I did not find a single legendary item (highest level item type) after completing the game in normal, nightmare and hell difficulty. Many other gamers reported the same experience. It’s not fun picking up lousy stuff 99% of the time. Finishing the game 3 times in 3 difficulty levels and not seeing anything nice at all? That’s not right.

  3. The Development Team of the game wanted to make gold a valuable commodity of the game. In order to do that, they made all the items worth very little when you try to sell them. Normal level items are worth 2-20 gold (very little), so nobody picks them up anymore. They also made repair costs higher (several thousand per repair at higher levels, which ‘forces’ players to look for and pick up the gold they find). It makes it very painful to die, especially at higher levels. They also imposed a timer to stop players from playing, from a few seconds to 30 seconds - to stop players from taking dying too easy. Some players like it that way, most don’t.

  4. Playing the game, especially at higher levels, entail a lot of dying. Not fun. At hell level you will die if any mob scratches your back if you do not have decent equipment. At inferno level (most difficult level), most players die to 1 hit by any mob. It it not fun to play. Its just frustrating. The only time you can get through with reasonable fun if you have super equipment, but the only way you get super equipment is to get to the last part of inferno (act 4 inferno), so it becomes a catch 22. The development team’s idea of difficult is you die and die and die. Fun right? No.

  5. Some elite mobs are downright impossible to beat, so you have to skip them (run past them as quickly as possible and move to the next area of the game). Its not fun to have to do that a lot of time at the higher difficulties.

  6. Many elite mobs take a lot of time to beat. Some are more difficult than bosses. Part of this is due to the mobs getting totally random affixes (abilities). The balance is totally and completely off.

  7. In inferno mode, many characters will die in 1 hit. Many tank characters die in 2 to 3 hits. That is not right. If a tank with relatively good equipment can’t survive then who’s going to tank? Dying all the time and spending most of your time waiting to resurrect is not fun. Now the development team wants to make dying even more undesirable by increasing repair costs by 6-8 times. Even worse because now you have to spend time looking for gold in lower levels (like gold farmer in wow). So now you’re not enjoying your leisure time killing mobs, you’re spending time doing gold farming. I’m sure many of you already have a full-time job if you’re working, or a full-time studies if you’re a student. You don’t need another job - gold farming.

  8. This game has so many flaws it glows with it. Although the franchise is still strong, it appears to me at least, this game is not complete when it was released in the middle of last month.

  9. This game also requires you to be online when you play it, even if you’re only playing single player mode. When the server is under maintenance, you can’t play. When there’s unscheduled maintenance, you can’t play. When your internet connection is not stable, you can’t play.

  10. Last but not least, this game only supports up to 4 in multi-player (Used to be 8 in Diablo 2) In the beginning I couldn’t join my friends because there are already 4 players in the game. To make things worse, nowadays we don’t play together. Why? When we play together the mobs get stronger (higher life) and their damage goes up. I just had a game where I joined my friend’s game and after playing for a while he told me he can’t play with me because the mobs are too difficult to kill. So he goes off to play single player and I go play single player. When playing solo, we die very often. When playing together, we die again and again and again. I wonder if the purpose of this game is to die and die and die? Fun? No.

Please save yourself the frustration of an unfinished game and play something else. I feel that Diablo 2 is a better game than this one.

p.s. In Diablo 2, if you’re in trouble you can open a town portal to escape to town. You can choose boots that allow you to run up to 40% faster so that you can outrun mobs. You can leave the game instantly so that you don’t die in hardcore. So the development thought, that’s unfair to the mobs. So, in Diablo 3, you can only run up to 12% faster? but mobs can have fast affixes meaning they’ll run faster than you ever will. They also added a 5 second timer on town portals and 10 second timer on exiting the game if you’re not in town so you cannot escape easily. If there’s one thing they did right, that is the way they made sure it’s difficult to escape from bad situations. They made it difficult alright.

Τον Αύγουστο ξεκινά η open beta του path of exile και τέλη καλοκαιριού με Σεπτέμβριο κυκλοφορεί το Torchlight 2 για όσους θέλουν κάτι εναλλακτικό.

Το μόνο ενδιαφέρον rpg που πρόκειται να κυκλοφορήσει είναι το Guild Wars 2 τέλη Αυγούστου. Φαίνεται πραγματικά πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα δουλειά και το μόνο στο οποίο θα έριχνα τα λεφτά μου μετά το Diablo 3. Το Path Of Exile είναι Diablo clone, οπότε προτιμάμε το real thing και το Torchlight 2 είναι κάπως αστείο και δεν με πείθει.