Απόψε θα έχουμε μια παρουσίαση του καινούριου δίσκου των Manowar. Stand and fight the Lord of Steel!
Το Σάββατο κλείνει πανηγυρικά η σεζόν. Μέχρι τότε, σήμερα το βράδυ θα έχουμε μια γνήσια μεταλλική βραδια!
It’s about time - the calendar marks the turning point for the end of summer. It was just a blink of an eye ago when summer invaded, early and premature as ever (and even more so), with its terrible heat and laughable lifestyle. Of course, the temperature’s still high but the signs are slowly starting to show - the end of flowers approaches. It may sound ‘apocalyptic’, but it’s simply natural.
And what better way to contemplate and celebrate than with - both classic and new - sensitive (and sensational) songs branching out (but not limited) to post-punk, wave, goth and atmospheric veins?
It may sound gloomy, but it’s optimistic. And liberating.
Wednesday 22 August, after 23.30’ at Memphis Rock Bar
Ipsilantou 157 & Erissou, Patra.
Ξεκινάνε απόψε οι Τρίτες της νέας σεζόν! Πάντα μεταλλικές.
"Last night, I dreamt I went to Manderley again".
Blink of an eye on the turn of the wordplay, and with a new found strength that defied negotations, surrender or compromise, a previously unknown landscape expanded beyond the horizon. Yet everything looked and tasted familiar. The warmth and the heat, even as the summer was drawing to an end. “White in August” - washed in a lethal illusion’s bright light, vision complete with a wind of dust and disjointed thoughts running breathless down memory lane. You add the bits and pieces, and there’s still something missing.
“We can never go back to Manderley again. That much is certain”.
And yet with songs that defy negotiations, surrender and compromise, the roll of the dice can win you a fortune. Or just time. Sometimes it’s the same. “White in August” - Black by Fall. Mirror image. Time is fortune. It’s always the same. Blink again.
A night of post-punk/wave/goth/atmospheric choices, on Wednesday 29 August, at Memphis Rock Bar, Ipsilantou 157 & Erissou, Patras, after 22.30.
Κανονικότατα απόψε με ατελείωτο heavy/power/epic/thrash metal!
“Show Down” Wednesdays @ Memphis
Αξιώθηκα να βγάλω αφισάκι, επιτέλους! Πιο επίσημα λοιπόν κάθε Τρίτη περιμένω τους όποιους ενδιαφερόμενους στο bar Memphis στην Πάτρα.
Το σχέδιο φυσικά είναι του μεγάλου B. Vallejo.
Σας περιμένω κι απόψε με τις πιο καυτές metal eπιλογες. \m/
Απόψε έχει metal, όπως κάθε Τρίτη! \m/
Κανονικότατα κι απόψε! 8)
[I]I was sleeping. Then a loud noise woke me up. It was Sylvester. “You know those high heels are really annoying” I told him. He brushed his orange hair and told me, “listen, I don’t have time for your stylistic comments, there’s Dianne Brill for that”. “Fair enough” I retorted, “what do you want?”. And he said, “a Lamborghini and a Screaming Eagle Cabernet Sauvignon from Napa Valley”. “Oh piss off honey” I said, “I haven’t been paid yet”. He sighed and waved his hands dismissively - “Well then you can just throw a good fabulous glitter party and come up with a bunch of weird ideas”. “Weird is good”, I said, “just look at your hairdo”. He smirked and said with an oozing vengeance “you only have one week”.
So, here it is. A night of wonderfully off-beat, on-track overdose of fabulousness loud and sassy enough that will reach Elmira and wake Michael up.
Party like there’s no tomorrow. Cause, you know what, there isn’t!
Wednesday 14 November 2012 @ Memphis Rock Bar, Ipsilantou 157 & Erissou, Patras, after 22.30’.
Dress code optional. Mental code mandatory.[/I]
Απόψε! \m/
“Show Down” of goth-darkwave-industrial-atmospheric tonight
Η metal Τρίτη θα είναι μαζί σας [I]και[/I] σήμερα. \m/
Το Σάββατο που μας έρχεται θα έχουμε το εξής αφιέρωμα:
Υπενθυμίζω το αποψινό αφιέρωμα στους Metallica & related bands. Αφισέτο ένα ποστ παραπάνω.
Καλή χρονιά σε όλους εύχομαι! Την Τρίτη που μας πέρασε το κατάστημα παρέμεινε κλειστό, οπότε απόψε αναπληρώνουμε το χαμένο metal μας! 8)
Σας περιμένω κι απόψε! Το αφισέτο στο προηγούμενο ποστ.