Βαριόνταν ο Mike τον γάμο του, έρχεται μία πιτσιρίκα και του κάθεται για ένα βράδυ, γλυκαίνεται ο Mike με την μικρή και παρατάει την γυναίκα του. Μόνο που η πιτσιρίκα δε γουστάρει σχέσεις, η γυναίκα βρήκε άλλο γκόμενο νεότερο και αρνείται να πάρει τον Mike πίσω και να σου ο δικός μας ξεκρέμαστος.
__Oταν έχεις μιλφάρα πας συνήθως σε μπάζο και η άλλη κλαίγεται “γιατί”, γιατί δεν έξαχνε ομορφιά, άλλα πράγματα του έλλειπαν όσο εσύ έκανες μπότοξ :lol: μάθημα ζωής στις 35 του φόρουμ (παραδίδω και κατ’ οίκον :lol:)
__Petpanag, θα σου έρθω μια μέρα για να αγοράσω… να αγοράσω… εεε… ε, κάτι θα βρώ… και μιας και είσαι παντρεμένος, εσύ φάτε μάτια ψάρια και εγώ… τα ψάρια θα λέμε και για θίατερ, τέλεια θα είναι… βέβαια ο υπεύθυνος δεν ξέρω τι θα λέει, αλλά θα λέμε και καλά για το “καλησπέρα σας, ψάχνω εκείνο το κινητό που είχε το σήμα των dream theater” “-α τώρα που είπατε dream theater…” :lol:
Mike Hsu: I know your split from DT was difficult and emotional because you were so involved with them for such a long time, but if they called you today and said, ?Can you help us out, will you come back in the band?? is that still open there?
Mike Portnoy: I never say never and my intensions with DT was never to leave the band or split up with the band, I merely felt that we could?ve used a little time off because we had been doing it non-stop for 25 years. You know, the cards played out as they did and they wanted to carry on without a break and I needed to do other things with other people because I just needed a refreshed enthusiasm and inspiration in my life and career.
But I never say never, if we?re a couple years down the road if they wanted to do something together again I would in a heartbeat, you know. That?s my baby, that?s my lifeblood. I built that band for 25 years and I just really need a breather from the guys and from the machine itself. If it?s in the cards to reunite down the road, I never say never.
Hsu: I always think a band is like a marriage, kind of?
Portnoy: Absolutely, a band is like four marriages, so like a Mormon marriage.
Hsu: [laughs] I think Pete Townsend said, ?Being in The Who was like being in the room with three ex-wives.?
Portnoy: Absolutely. My analogy of DT and what happened with me and them is, I love the baby, I just kind of fell out of love with a couple of the wives. Sometimes you stay in a marriage for a long time because of the children, and in this case the children is the band itself and the fans, but I just felt that me and the wives needed a bit of a trial separation and we?ll see how it goes from there.
“My analogy of DT and what happened with me and them is, I love the baby, I just kind of fell out of love with a couple of the wives. Sometimes you stay in a marriage for a long time because of the children, and in this case the children is the band itself and the fans”
Θα΄χει πλακα αν χωριζει με την γυναικα του να της λεει “Κοιτα να δεις,οταν εισαι σε ενα γαμο,ειναι σαν να εισαι σε μια μπαντα…Μενεις μαζι μονο για τους οπαδους” κλπ κλπ. :lol: