Νταξ’. Όντως το Red Sharks είναι σκατά στιχουργικά, είναι παιδί της εποχής του. Aλλά είναι ΠΟΡΩΣΗ…
Καλοί στίχοι δεν είναι μονάχα αυτοί που αποθεώνουν αυτά που γουστάρει ο καθένας. Το red sharks έχει δυνατούς στίχους, που ταιριάζουν στην ορμή του κομματιού άσχετα αν η θεματολογία τους είναι αρεστή, μη- αρεστή ή αδιάφορη για εμάς.
Μην μπλέκουμε την μουσική με τις πολιτικές πεποιθήσεις.
εμενα προσωπικα μου αρεσει πολυ το red sharks στιχουργικα…κρυβει αληθειες αν και δεν ειναι το σωστο μερος για να το πω αυτο…τεσπα…ακομα και αν δεν αρεσει σε καποιον στιχουργικα,τα riffs και τα φωνητικα σε αυτο το κομματι που ειναι απο αλλο πλανητη ειναι αρκετα…
Συμφωνώ με άπαντες, οι στίχοι του είναι σημείο των καιρών αν και ούτως ή άλλως εγώ στάθηκα στην ερμηνεία του Midnight στο συγκεκριμένο κομμάτι. Δε θυμάμαι πιο ψαρωτικά “ψηλά” φωνητικά-ίσως ο Tecchio στο “Control And Resistance”; Αν και δε νομίζω.
οντως…στο τελος του κομματιου που μπαινει αλλο ριφφ και φωναζει ανα διαστηματα Red sharks ειναι τα ψηλοτερα φωνητικα οχι μονο του Midnight αλλα και ισως γενικα στην μεταλ…
Xμμ…μου λες σε ποιο ποστ μου ακριβώς ανέφερα ότι καλοί στίχοι είναι μόνο αυτοί που πάνε με τα νερά μου?
Επειδή εδώ είναι τόπικ για το μίντναιτ, υπόσχομαι λίαν συντόμως στο τόπικ της μπάντας να τους αναλύσω έναν προς έναν για να δούμε πόσο δυνατοί είναι (σαν κλανιά σπουργιτιού οι συγκεκριμένοι). Δεν μπλέκω εγώ τη μουσική με τις πολιτικές πεποιηθήσεις, οι C.Glory το έκαναν πρώτοι.
Οι στίχοι του Red Sharks είναι γαμάτοι! Τους καταλαβαίνει κανείς αν είχε την ατυχία να μιλήσει(?) με ΠΚΣήτες. Τέσπα αρκετά με το off topic.
Εγώ πάντα πίστευα ότι είναι φωνάρα αλλά λίγο υπερβολικός, ειδικά στις ψηλές του, αλλά είχε τρομερό συναίσθημα και αυτό μετράει.
Για εμένα οι στίχοι είναι έτσι όπως είναι γραμμένοι ταιριάζουν απόλυτα με το κομμάτι.Γενικότερα στους στίχους δεν κοιτάω τόσο στο τι αναφέρονται αλλά στο τι λέξεις χρησιμοποιούνται και πως έχουν συνδυαστεί.
Κατα τα άλλα οι Crimson Glory δεν ήταν οι μοναδικοί που έβαλαν πολιτικές πεποιθήσεις στους στίχους τους.
By the way οι ex bandmates του έκαναν δηλώσεις για το θάνατο της φωνάρας
Jon Drenning: “Midnight and I shared so much together over the years; dreams, goals, visions, creativity. We would often daydream for hours upon hours about how we would make the most amazing music together that would ‘Transcend’ the world. We were determined to make an impact like no other and wanted create a legacy that would be everlasting. Despite our disagreements, I loved him deeply and will miss him profoundly. We had a contentious, yin-yang type of relationship, but we respected each other’s ideas, talents and creativity, and loved each other dearly; we were brothers 'til the end. Midnight was a kind, generous, spiritual, beautiful, passionate, eccentric, mysterious, stubborn old soul with the voice of both an angel and a lion. Truly, he was a rare individual with an enigmatic, angelic vioice who had a great influence on many of today’s well-known and yet-to-be-known metal singers. There have been many great singers throughout the years in the metal genre, including several who have tried to copy Midnight’s uniquely moving, intensely emotional style, but there can be - and will only ever be - one Midnight. He was a once-in-a-lifetime singer, one-in-a-billion, a star among stars. Indeed, the world has lost a great singer, songwriter, painter, poet and friend, but his spirit lives on in each of us who knew and heard him, as well as for those yet to discover his creative genius. In death you live again, my Brother, my friend. It does not mean the end; it never really ends…”
Ben Jackson: “Words cannot express the sadness I feel today over the loss of my dear friend Midnight. Having been friends with Mid for the last thirty years has provided me with memories I will surely treasure for the rest of my life until we hopefully will meet again. Together we made music, shared laughs and good times, traveled the world to faraway places and lived life with passion. He touched many with his unique gift and was universally loved by his many friends and fans. A gentle genius and a sweet, sweet soul. I will miss you so much buddy! I love you!”
Dana Burnell: “Today the world lost an incredible singer and songwriter. I lost my band mate, my friend, my brother. I’ve known Midnight for over 30 years; he was the gentlest, kindest and most caring person I’ve known, and I loved him very much. Midnight only wanted good for everyone, he was a good soul. Knowing he is at peace now brings me great peace. I love him and will forever miss him.”
Speaking in the wake of my friends and bandmates, I can say that they’ve covered, very eloquently, a lot of what needed to be said. Notwithstanding, I will offer my thoughts, because every relationship is truly unique:
What few people know, probably even some of my own bandmates, is that I knew John “Midnight” McDonald longer than most—from the seventh grade, to be precise. We sat next to each other in History class. Mind you, this was well before I ever picked up a bass or knew that he could belt out the 'ZEPPELIN and 'FLOYD tunes. Well, Midnight (John, then) would sleep or doodle during class. We sat next to each other in the back. Come test time, he’d want to copy my answers (that rascal!). In any event, I knew that he was a rare breed with a tendency toward the arts. Little did I know…
Fast forward seven or eight years, and one night at our rehearsal facility we were going to try out this guy whom we discovered on the beach playing acoustic guitar. Admittedly, I was skeptical when this shoe-less and frumpy-clothed fellow showed up to give a whirl at singing PRIEST, ACCEPT, MAIDEN, SCORPIONS…all of which were bands we covered very briefly before Crimson Glory was born. I was once told, ‘You cannot tell how far a frog can jump by lookin’ at it.’ Well, that night, and the following nights, that little adage was never so solidified in mind. The kid had a set of pipes. We later learned that he had a knack for writing creative and thought-provoking lyrics, as well. Crimson Glory was born…
Fast forward again, and we found ourselves going from a warehouse - to the studio - to stages overseas. With the increasing amount of pressure to sing the songs as you hear those recordings today, Midnight sought to overcome this pressure by unnatural means, which would later, and sadly, become his downfall, as well as the band’s. This problem put a tremendous strain on the relationships with people close to him, meaning, not the fans in this case, but with his family and bandmates (who were his second family). To my understanding, we all did what we could to help him.
In the end, I am sad: Sad, because of the loss of life and that such a talented human being never reached his full potential. I am angry: I am angry because he was out of touch with reality towards the end, and could not be reasoned with, even if that meant trying to reconcile some past mistakes made along the way, including my own. I am hopeful: I am hopeful because, while I don’t believe in a hereafter, I firmly believe that John “Midnight” McDonald has touched people in this life, the life that we know for certain exists, and in that sense, he was most certainly an Earthly Angel. Farewell, Mid.
Thank you to the CG fans around the world."
Peace and Mirth,
Jeff Lords
Και ο άνθρωπος που τον αντικατέστησε:
"My heart is filled with sadness today as my friend and brother Midnight has passed from this world into the next. I was called to the hospital last night as things were not looking good for him, and I am thankful that I was able to say good-bye to him and visit with his family before he passed.
We all know what Midnight’s legacy has meant in the world of metal. His voice, his style has served and will always be one
of the benchmarks against which all metal vocalists will be judged. His work after Crimson Glory showed a true artist at work-pushing the envelope, expanding what Midnight was really all about, and taking us on musical journeys down paths only he could see.There are many singers in the metal community who owe much to Midnight. I certainly am the one who perhaps owes him the most. When I assumed the role of vocalist in Crimson Glory a decade ago, it was a huge opportunity. Where another might have been bitter or had harsh words for me, Midnight communicated only praise and encouragement. When I finally met him and had an extended conversation with him two years ago, it was instant brotherhood. We talked like old friends, and that evening was the beginning of a collaboration that really closed a loop that had been started a decade earlier. I’d spent the better part of ten years in part singing the songs that Midnight had created, and then had the privilege of working with him creating new music. Very few people get to meet the people who inspire their careers, fewer still get to work with them. In this regard, I count myself as truly blessed.
Miss you Mid, Crimson Glory will live forever."
Ακούω τώρα το “Last night in Japan”… πολύ καλός και στα live o Midnight παρά τις διάφορες φήμες που ακούγονταν κατά καιρούς.
εχει κανει φοβερα live o ανθρωπος…ειχα διαβασει πιο παλια μια συνεντευξη του που ελεγε οτι μισει τα bootlegs…γιατι λεει μπορει στο live που θα με ηχογραφησει ο αλλος εν αγνοια μου εγω να ημουν 3 μερες αυπνος και με πολυ ποτο και μεσα απο αυτο το οχι τοσο καλο live ο κοσμος να με κρινει…
Απ’οτι διαβάζω τον τελευταίο καιρό, αυτό το υπερβολικό άγχος της καλής απόδοσης στα live ήταν ένας απο τους βασικούς λόγους που οδήγησαν την καριέρα του και την ζωή του σε πτωτική πορεία.
Μεγαλη φωναρα ο τυπος…:(Πολυ κριμα ρε γαμωτο,και ηταν και τοσο νεος ακομα…
Έφυγε μία από τις μεγαλύτερες φωνές όλων των εποχών-ποτέ δε θα ξεχάσω το πιο ανατριχιαστικό κομμάτι,το lost reflection Πλήρωσε τους δαιμονές του με τη ζωή του
Τώρα τι δουλειά έχει η πνευματική ψώρα που λέγεται κομμουνισμός με το μεγαλείο και την ηρωική στάση ζωής του Metal, δεν νομίζω ότι κανένας φοιτητάκος ψευτοεπαναστάτης θα μπορέσει να μου απαντήσει…
Γειά χαρά Midnight, η φωνή σου μας σημάδεψε για πάντα, κάπου εκεί στα 1986…
Winds of Odin guide us
Over violent seas, the silent grave
Gods of thunder
Roaring, crackling power
In flashing light, they pound the night
Rising winds and howling fury
Towering shadows crashing down
As we awaken and behold
The crystal seas and ships of gold
To the colored winds our sails arise
The distant shore before us lies
Winds of Odin whisper
Over silent waves, no trace remains
We have found a new horizon
Far beyond the stars that shine above
Thrashing wings valkyries rising
To the hollowed halls of Valhalla
Valhalla, Valhalla
[SIZE=“4”]The transcendence of this Heart of Steel from this world to the Eternal World was sudden. It was unfair, and painful. In Dark Places of our hearts, we thank him for walking with us under Painted Skies, across Burning Bridges, to places Where Dragons Rule and where the Lady Of Winter shines under Lost Reflections. He passed the Edge Of Forever, in Valhalla he rests now, and he will never be Lonely again…[/SIZE]
Apla h korifaia fwni pou gnwrise pote i anthrwpotita
Tωρα θα τραγουδαει για τους αγγελους…
ολο τους καλυτερους εχουν παρει οι παρτακιδες εκει πανω…
Μidnight in heaven… Tears on Earth… Still no one there… R.I.P…
Πολύ μου αρέσει που έχουμε φτάσει 10 σελίδες και τα ποστ είναι σχεδόν όλα από διαφορετικούς users, οι Crimson Glory είναι κρυφό και αγαπημένο απωθημένο για πάρα πολλούς πιστεύω και χαίρομαι που εκφράζεται μέσα από δώ, έστω και με την απώλεια του Midnight. Μακάρι να δημιουργήσει την περιέργεια σε άλλους αυτό το thread και να ακούσουν το transendence να μάθουν τι εστί μουσική, συναίσθημα και metal βερύκοκο…
Τα περί στίχων του Red Sharks είναι τουλάχιστον άτοπα, ο καθένας εκφράζει την γνώμη του μέσα από τα τραγούδια αλλά τον πρώτο λόγο έχει το σύνολο που βγαίνει και σε κάνει και κοπανιέσαι…αν κάποιους τους πείραξε το Red Sharks δλδ τι έπρεπε να κάνουν με τους στίχους των Slayer p.x.? Αν χαλιέστε
μην ακούτε, σκατά και απόπατοι μόνο στην πολιτική υπάρχουν και στο μυαλό όσων παθιάζονται με αυτή όχι στο metal, στο metal πρώτα μιλάει η κιθάρα και τα τύμπανα…και το μπάσο έτσι?
+1000 !
Οτι καλυτερο βγηκε ποτε στο metal…trancendence και crimson glory