δε ξερω ποσους θα ενδιαφερει το παρων τοπικ. ειχα σκοπο να το κανω εδω και καμποσο καιρο. τεσπα. θα το κανω τωρα μιας και αυτες τις μερες αρχισαν να ανκοινωνονται τα καλα ονοματα.
Roadburn Festival - Europe’s leading festival for stonerrock & beyond. Thursday April 17th to Sunday April 20th, 2008, 013 Popcentrum, Tilburg, Holland.
το περσινο line up ηταν απλα τελειο. το 10 στα 10 ειναι λιγο. υπ’ οψην οτι τα εισιτηρια εγιναν sold out απο αρχες γεναρη ενω το φεστ γινοταν τον απριλιο.
last year’s line up:
The Friday Roadburn date, April 20th:
Orange Sunshine
Blue Cheer
Big Business / The MelvinsGreen Room:
The Sword
Pharaoh Overlord
Sun Dial
Guru Guru
Causa Sui
VoltBat Cave:
On Trial
Earthling Society
RotorThe Saturday Roadburn date, April 21st:
Acid King
The Hidden Hand
Red Sparowes
OMGreen Room:
Colour HazeBat Cave:
Monkey 3
Amen Ra
Stinking Lizaveta
Black CobraThe Roadburn Afterburner, April 22nd:
Bohren und der Club of Gore
Fear Falls Burning
Sunn o)))
μιας και το περσινο ειχε τρελη επιτυχια φετος θα το κανουν απο 2ήμερο τετραήμερο. απο φετινα εχουν ανακοινωθει τα εξης:
Acid Mothers Guru is Kawabata Makato [guitar] and Tsuyama Atsushi [bass] from Acid Mothers Temple with Mani Neumeier from Guru Guru on drums. This potent trio will play a heavy, improvised set of krautrock bliss that will take everyone back to 1971.
Sweden’s Witchcraft is on the bill for April 18th. We are thinking of naming them the official Roadburn house band, as they will have graced our stages for 3 years running. All joking aside, their latest effort “The Alchemist” is a real stunner. We can’t get enough of it here at Roadburn HQ. The band has left behind their obvious Pentagram influences and crafted a soulful, psychedelic and proggy take on the heavy 70’s. This record has a sound that can only be described as 100% authentic Witchcraft!
We have also confirmed Japan’s favorite serial-killer-obsessed doomsters Church of Misery for Friday, April 18th. Texas power-trio extraordinaire Dixie Witch will be unleashing their raging stage show at roadburn on Saturday, April 19th. Anyone who has not yet seen either of these bands live is in for quite a treat.
On Friday, April 18th, it is our enormous pleasure to announce that Tony McPhee’s Groundhogs [w/ Dave Anderson of Hawkwind / Amon Duul II-fame on bass, and Mark Anderson, drums] will be headlining the Green Room. These heavy 70’s legends will be performing the material from their seminal albums “Split”, “Thank Christ for the Bomb”, “Scratch the Surface” and “Hogwash.”
We at Roadburn HQ could not be any happier about this. The Groundhogs have long been favorites here and we consider “Split” to be one of our favorite records of the 1970’s. After the amazing sets by Blue Cheer and Guru Guru this year, we are very excited about The Groundhogs.
Also on the bill [and not to be overlooked!] for Friday night are Baby Woodrose Gentleman’s Pistols, and Danava. Baby Woodrose offer up garage-psych with decidedly pop twist and their latest album, “Chasing Rainbows” showcases a more inwardly rocking heavy psych than their previous two releases.
Gentleman’s Pistols are on Lee Dorrian’s Rise Above label [instant cred!] and they deliver a truly compelling brand of heavy rock that sounds like an amalgamation of Free and Leafhound.
Danava’s sound harkens back to the heyday of mystical prog-rock, the early '70’s. However, unlike the unfortunate overlong 30 minute epics crammed with odd chopping time changes, and pompous concertos for group and orchestra, Danava favors a more direct and immediate approach on their forthcoming album, “Unounu”, pairing classic rock riffs with hallucinatory fervor and delivering them with an odd pop structure.
Confirmed for Saturday night are one of Roadburn’s all time favorite bands, The Heads! No more need be said about them except that if you have not seen them yet, shame on you. Also on tap are some great new bands like Sweden’s Kongh. Their debut record “Counting Heartbeats” has been [deservedly] getting rave reviews and their take on sludge / doom is nothing short of majestic.
There’s sure to be a krautrock vibe on Saturday with the presence of veterans Electric Orange and talented newcomers My Sleeping Karma.
Last but definitely not least, France’s excellent and epic Year of No light are also confirmed for the evening of April 19th.
We have also received confirmation of appearances from Blood of the Sun [Texas], Mos Generator [Washington state] and La Ira de Dios [Peru]. These bands will be finalizing their European tours in the next few months, and if it all works out, they will be coming to Roadburn.
We really look forward to having the organ-driven monster boogie sounds of Blood of The Sun, the Pink Floyd meets Sabbath rock of Mos Generator and super atmospheric space / psych of La Ira De Dios.
πιο πολυ ψηνομαι να δω τους Witchcraft, Church Of Misery, Acid Mothers Guru, Year of No light, The Heads, και Tony McPhee’s Groundhogs. το line up δεν εχει ακομα κατι να κοβεις φλεβες, αλλα ειναι νωρις ακομα. εχουμε πολυ δρομο μεχρι τον απριλη.
παραθετω τα site. let there be doom :