οκ και εγώ μαζί σου. Απλά θέλω να πω ότι οι στίχοι των Ναυτία δεν ήταν ουρανοκατέβατοι, αφού υπήρχε καπνός. Πέραν από τους στίχους του Public assistance, δεν ξεχωρίζαν σαφώς την θέση τους ούτε κ οι ίδιοι… ιδού τί είχε απαντήσει ο Vinnie σε σχετική ερώτηση
Vinnie: We can’t control that. People think we are a big nazi band but if you reall read our lyrics… We’re not for the nazis but then again we’re not against people who are chaotic and nazism. We’re the middle guy. ? We’re not going to say you’re wrong because everybody has different beliefs. There’s a lot of chaotic people that are not skins. Alot of crazy people are into swastikas and stuff. I’m not saying you’re wrong if you’ve got a swastika. they might be right. I wear a swastika for chaos, and wear it for white pride. That’s what I wore it for in the beginning, that’s what I always thought it meant. Just to have people make a big thing about it and go, “Oh no, you’re a dick!” I like attention. Chaos that’s what we got into. I don’t wear it for anything else. Now the swastika means what power that’s why I don’t wear it anymore myself. Right away people jump to, “You’re a nazi. You’re into white power.” those people don’t understand it’s for chaos. It’s what it was originally for.