Βαριέμαι, πείτε ό,τι σας κατέβει - The Return -

Τυφλώθηκα μ’ αυτά τα γράμματα!:o
Ισοδυναμούν με γραπτή ιαχή.

:lol: Η πλάκα είναι ότι σήμερα το σκεφτόμουν, βαριόμουν τόσο πολύ που έλεγα να βάλω για ν’ ασχοληθεί κανείς μαζί μου.

[SPOILER]Αλλά τώρα από αντίδραση, [SIZE=“7”]ΔΕΝ ΒΑΖΩ![/SIZE][/SPOILER]

μετά τη ρόδο με μπικίνι, έλα

[SIZE=“5”]ΒΑΛΕ ![/SIZE] :D:D

φριντομοφροκ, στροφή 180 μοιρών βλέπω.:stuck_out_tongue:

Ναι ντομινο, βάλε αυτές που τραβάγαμε χτες, με τα αγγούρια και το βούτυρο…! :stuck_out_tongue:


Τι αγγούρια? Τι βούτυρο? Πείτε…!


Εγω παντως εβαλα οποιος θελει μπορει να με θαυμασει


αντιγονη, τα χρησιμοποιούσαν για κανόνι :!:

Και μένα με λένε κανόνι :!:
Πείτε τώρα τι εννοείτε

[SPOILER]Δε νομίζω να εννοείς αυτό που κατάλαβα…8O8O[/SPOILER]



5 ωρες ελειψα και μου το κανατε μπ*&$#λο! :p:p

αληθεια, domino, ειμαι περιεργος να δω τις φωτο…ανεβασε τες παρακαλω. :slight_smile:

παντως φρηντομ στην αρχη νομιζα πως οντως ειχες καταλαβει οτι ειναι η domino και απλα προχωρησες λιγο παραπερα τη φαντασια σου! :lol:


Τις τελευταιες μερες εχω σταματησει να καταλαβαινω αυτο το τοπικ

Είσαι σε καλό δρόμο.

σχώρα μας, να το κάνουμε πιο κατανοητό για σένανε

Heidegger considers the human condition coldly and announced that existence is humiliated. The only reality is “anxiety” in the whole chain of beings. To the man lost in the world and its diversions this anxiety is a brief, fleeting fear. But if that fear becomes conscious of itself, it becomes anguish, the perpertual climate of the lucid man “in whom existence is concentrated.” This professor of philosophy writes without trembling and in the most abstract language in the world that “The finite and limited character of human existence is more primordial than man himself.” His intrest in Kant extends only to recognizing the restricted character of his “Pure Reason.” This is to conclude at the end of his analyses that “The world can no longer offer anything to the man filled with anguish.” This anxiety seems to him so much more important than all the categories in the world that he thinks and talks only of it. he enumerates its aspects: boredom when the ordinary man strives to quash it in death. He too does not separete consciousness from the absurd. The consciousness of death is the call of anxiety and “existence then delivers itself its own summons through the intermediary of consciousness.” It is the very voice of anguish and it adjures existence “to return from its loss in the anonymous They.” For him, too, one must not sleep, but must keep alert until the consumation. He stands in this absurd world and points out its ephemeral character. he seeks his way amid these ruins.

O Heidegger έλεγε βλακείες, ο Hobbes τα έχει εξηγήσει όλα:

In Leviathan itself,[1] Hobbes speaks of ‘a war […] of every man against every man’, but the Latin phrase occurs in De Cive:[2]

Ostendo primo conditionem hominum extra societatem civilem (quam conditionem appellare liceat statum naturae) aliam non esse quam bellum omnium contra omnes; atque in eo bello jus esse omnibus in omnia.
I show in the first place that the state of men without civil society (which state may be called the state of nature) is nothing but a war of all against all; and that in that war, all have a right to all things.

Later on, a slightly modified version is presented in Libertas (liberty):[3]

[...] Status hominum naturalis antequam in societatem coiretur Bellum fuerit; neque hoc simpliciter, sed bellum omnium in omnes.
The natural state of men, before they were joined in society, was a war, and not simply, but a war of all against all.

The thought experiment places people in a pre-social condition, and theorizes what would happen in such a condition. According to Hobbes, the outcome is that people choose to enter a social contract, giving up some of their liberties in order to enjoy peace. This thought experiment is a test for the legitimation of a state in fulfilling its role as “sovereign” to guarantee social order, and for comparing different types of states on that basis.

Hobbes distinguishes between war (?warre?) and battle: war does not only consist of actual battle; it points to the situation in which one knows there is a ?will to contend by battle?.[4]

Yeah, IN YO FACE Mech-Cannibal!