Τι ζωο ειστε στο κρεββατι?

You are a Rhino!
You like you’re own way, and will do almost anything to pull someone. You don’t mind making a fool out of yourself to get your wicked way with someone. Dominant in a relationship - you don’t like to be bossed about. When you see someone you like, you don’t give up until you get them. You don’t really take time to find out about long term potential, you just charge in for the kill. Rough and ready, you like a bit of kinky sex.

Ναι αυτος ειμαι εγω!

You are a Koala!

Cuddly and snuggly. You love romance and being pampered by a partner. Candle-lit dinners, red roses and soft, moody music all set the perfect tone for you. In bed you’re very sensual and eager to give your partner as much as they give you. You love sex but it isn’t a major priority in your relationships. You’re at your happiest being cradled in your partner’s arms.

:lol: :lol:

Δεν το πιστευω τι βγηκα…

You are a Rabbit!

It’s always the quiet ones… You may act innocent and sweet on the outside - but that’s just a ploy. You’re normally well up for it and are eager to experiment - anyhow, anywhere, everywhere! You’re not much of a sucker for romance, when you’re partner gets too soppy - it’s a hoppity, skippity jump into bed with the next suitable candidate!


Αλλαξε αβαταρ επιγοντως!!!

Moνο οταν κυκλοφορήσουν μάπα δίσκο οι Disturbed…

Eιμαι παρθενος δεν μπορω να κανω το τεστ

8O Στο ζωδιο?#-o :stuck_out_tongue:

Στο ζωδιο ειμαι Ταυρος :slight_smile:

Είμαι … Σίμεξ Λεκτουλάριους Πεντίκουλους Καμπάλους Μαστοφόρο Περισσοδάκτυλο της οικογένειας των ιπποειδών ημίπτερων εντόμων.

You are a Koala!

Cuddly and snuggly. You love romance and being pampered by a partner. Candle-lit dinners, red roses and soft, moody music all set the perfect tone for you. In bed you’re very sensual and eager to give your partner as much as they give you. You love sex but it isn’t a major priority in your relationships. You’re at your happiest being cradled in your partner’s arms.

manowarας σου λεει μετα

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

You are a Slug!
Call yourself an animal? - you’re about as exciting as lump of cheese. Oh dear. You need to inject some passion into your performance, some zing into your zang. Start practicing, buy a manual, buy a doll - you need something, anything to liven it up a bit between the sheets.8O :lol: #-o :-s

φέρτε μου πάπιες

You are a Swan!
Very committed, you know how to treat your partner well. You look after their best interests and have complete respect for them. Easy going, you like to be sociable but enjoy your partner’s company. You’re at your happiest when tucked up in bed with your loved one. You prefer sensual, sexy love making rather than a quick romp, that’s the only way to find true pleasure and reach sexual nirvana!

You are an Owl!

Reserved and thoughtful, you choose your partners carefully and with caution. You are respected by your partners and are not easily taken advantage of. You are charming and romantic but it takes courage for you to open up to someone sexually. Once you do open up you are an attentive lover and pleasing your partner is more important to you than personal gratification

Ohhhhhhh:oops: :oops: :oops: :lol2: :smiley:

You are a Tiger!

Grrrr!!! You sexy beast! You’re a party-goer, the life and soul! Anything goes, and its usually instigated by you. Role play, bondage, it’s time to get kinky. You’re passionate, energetic, raunchy and sometimes noisy! Anyone caught in your claws is gonna be walking funny for the next few days. Easy tiger!.

Tiger too!Καλά σε άντρα ,σε γυναίκα πώς μεταφράζεται αυτό??:lol: #-o

Μεταφραζεται ως “στειλε μου με πμ το τηλεφωνο σου”.

You are a Swan!

Very committed, you know how to treat your partner well. You look after their best interests and have complete respect for them. Easy going, you like to be sociable but enjoy your partner’s company. You’re at your happiest when tucked up in bed with your loved one. You prefer sensual, sexy love making rather than a quick romp, that’s the only way to find true pleasure and reach sexual nirvana!

You are a Koala!

Cuddly and snuggly. You love romance and being pampered by a partner. Candle-lit dinners, red roses and soft, moody music all set the perfect tone for you. In bed you’re very sensual and eager to give your partner as much as they give you. You love sex but it isn’t a major priority in your relationships. You’re at your happiest being cradled in your partner’s arms.

E εντάξει, δε θα μπορούσα να είμαι κάτι άλλο!:stuck_out_tongue: