1.Gay test:20%,you’re a walking,talking,red-blooded hetero guy. Just way too straight for these modern times mate! Kala ayto to site prospathei na mas sproxei olous stin gay-osynh?
2.Vasika epeidh tora exw arhizei na afinw mousaki apantisa se aytin tin erwtish kai me tous dyo tropous kai stin mia me evgale Gimli stin alli Legolas.
3. 10/11 kai egw ston Mwysh tin patisa
4.Iron Maiden
You’re Iron Maiden! You’re a legend in the music industry. Your legacy has lasted close to 25 years. You’re all about moderation…never too much of anything, but never too little. You’ve always remained true to metal, and the people love you for it. Up the irons!
Am krinw apo tin diki mou antidrash an to valw se kanan 60ari tha pathei kardiako. Forousa kai ta akoustika ekeinh thn wra kai ta eixa xehasmena sto terma. Traymatikh ebeiria… Kakourga!