
λατρευω το στατους για το γαμο του που ειναι λες και βγηκε απο Άρλεκιν

επισης ακουω τωρα αυτο το ατμοσφαιρικο keyboard album που ειχε βγαλει και αγνοουσα την υπαρξη του. τι αριστουργημα ειναι αυτο ρε???

πραγματικά εμετός… τόσο η ανακοίνωση όσο και η κοπέλα στην ηλικία της κόρης του… αλλά και γενικά οι ρεπουμπλικανικες δηλώσεις του.

Πριν από λίγο καιρό είχε παρουσιάσει στο fb ένα βιβλίο που διάβαζε για το πως οι ΗΠΑ βοηθάνε τον κόσμο με τους πολέμους τους στο εξωτερικό :lol:

…έτσι είναι τα Αμερικανάκια…τι να κάνουμε…η μουσική μετράει για μένα:):!:

Δεν μετραει μονο η μουσικη για αυτο εχει φαει ενα τεραστιο [B][SIZE=3]Χ[/SIZE][/B] ο κυριος Τσαμης απο εμενα.

Εγώ πάντως δεν είχα πάρει πρέφα πότε πρόλαβε να χωρίσει με την πρώην γυναίκα του η οποία αν θυμάμαι καλά είναι άρρωστη.

Σοβαρά τι πίνουν εκεί στο Warlord camp??? Βγήκε τώρα ο Zonder να κράξει τους drummer που παίζουν με γάντια…


Please explain the reason for wearing gloves. I always thought gloves were for gardening or playing baseball. If you are wearing gloves, maybe you aren’t practicing enough. Just my two cents.

Edit: Τι ανακοίνωση/status είχε βγάλει για τη γυναίκα του και το γκομενάκι του;

αν βλεπω καλα το εχει σβησει οποτε μαλλον τον σουταρε το γκομενακι…ηταν στο στυλ ερωτευμενου 15χρονου με μεγαλη δοση γραφικοτητας :?

Αστάλδε, απλά έγραψε ένα σεντόνι σαν τρία γρακχοσέντονα μαζί ότι είναι καψούρης και ότι είναι ανεβασμένος και στα σύννεφα πετάει κλπ κλπ. Για τη γυναίκα του δεν έγινε καμία αναφορά. Τώρα για το στάτους του Zonder για τα γάντια, τι να πω, καραγκιοζιλίκια και είναι κρίμα γιατί μου 'χει δείξει την εικόνα σοβαρού ανθρώπου. Και το κακό είναι ότι πολλοί αρχίζουν από κάτω το γλείψιμο “oh, you’re absolutely right” και “finally someone said that” και παίρνουν θάρρος και το συνεχίζουν. Τέλος πάντων.

Στορμ, ακόμα μαζί πρέπει να είναι. Οι καψούρικες φωτό που κάνουν την οθόνη να στάζει μέλι δεν έχουν κατέβει. :stuck_out_tongue:

pano επειδη προσφατα καθαρισα την οθονη δεν το ρισκαρα να δω φωτος :lol:

That’s some lengthy shit.

“Joy of all joys, miracle of all miracles,” I am getting “married” to the most beautiful and wonderful maiden on the face of the earth. Indeed, after years of darkness, negativity, and sorrow, I determined to live alone with my daughter and I was perfectly content in living the rest of my life alone with God as my sufficient source of strength. But to my greatest surprise, he had other plans to bring love, joy, and happiness into my life. And by strange coincidence, he brought the most beautiful and wonderful miracle into my life in the person of Julia Kelleners, who many of you simply know as Julez - a true “jewel” and most valuable “gem.” She came into my life, as if right out of a “fairy tale book,” a real “Cinderella,” full of love, joy, compassion, and every positive virtue one can think of. From the first magical moment, we fell in love – a true love that transcends anything I’ve ever known. I have “never” been happier in my life, so full of joy and so full of love that my heart is overflowing like an eternal fountain. She is beautiful in every way (inside and out) with a huge heart and deep soul. Every moment we have spent together is like “a thousand years,” and every moment we will have together in ‘marriage’ will be like “thousands and thousands of years.” Her love of Christ is very deep and, thus, we are ‘equally yoked.’ And along with that, we are “true soulmates,” always reading each others minds, knowing each others hearts, and feeling each others needs. She is so magical and extraordinary as a human being, radiant as the brightest star, deeply loving and always pouring out great love, joy, and happiness and sheer beauty in every way. I can’t express in words how much I love her and how grateful I feel that “I” am the person who receives her deepest love and affection at every moment of every day. I can only wish that ‘everyone’ had the beautiful, loving, happy relationship that Julia and I have together. Yes, we’re getting “married,” and I’m the happiest person on earth . . . I look forward to our “whole new world” together. And as long as I draw breath, Julia will be my Princess and I will be her “Knight,” treating her with the utmost love and honor that she truly deserves. I wish I could find the words to describe the depth of our love and happiness for each other . . . Julia, I will love you with all my heart and with all my soul, every moment of every day. Thank you for being “you” . . . and I thank God for bringing you, my radiant light, into my world of darkness. With you, I am now filled with light, filled with joy, and filled with the ‘greatest of all gifts’ – Julia, my “true love” I love you so mein Schatzi Oh, my Julia . . . how much I love you . . . I cannot count the ways. Yes, we’re getting “married” and I simply cannot express the depth of my joy . . . I love you so, so very much

I will say this “ONCE,” because I know that I don’t have to explain myself. Some who have expressed concern about Vidonne, this is for you. I poured out gallons and gallons of compassion for Vidonne in the past 20 years or so all the way to the last drop. Not only did she not appreciate it one bit, but she always defied doctors, nurses, therapists, and others who tried to help her. Doctors told me “two years ago” that I was not helping her and I was not helping myself or my daughter. They used the analogy of a person trying to save another person from drowning. I did all I could do to help her from drowning. But she wanted to drown. Should I have drowned with her, or should I have swimmed back to shore to be there for my daughter? I “never” went out looking for another relationship during her trials. But, believe it or not, she was perfectly content in being a ‘professional patient’ (turning our home into a “slave plantation” where Mariah and I were the slaves. Her actions toward me were nothing short of physical abuse and emotional abuse with not a care for me in the world. That I was “there” for her for years and years, pushing her wheelchair (she never bothered to learn how to push it by herself, always expecting “me” to push it for her); that I took her to hundreds and hundreds of doctors appointments; that I was there for every surgery she ever had – I can even say that I saved her life 4-5 times. Some people who are disabled deal proactively with their disability, and some people move toward self-destruction, destroying everyone around them (even family). Yes, the doctors put her in a ‘skilled nursing facility’ (which she has been ‘in and out of’ for several years – they put her in there for the rest of her life (because me and Mariah are not doctors, nurses, nurses aides, therapists, we don’t work on shifts, etc. Some people will attribute her psychological state as a result of long term morphine use. Well, I have known others who have been on long term morphine and their psychological stability is still in tact. She never expressed concern over my 70 lb weight loss and my ‘knocking on death’s door.’ And for those of you who want to “judge me” – I will simply refer you to the Gospel of Matthew 7:1-3. When I was near death, lying in a hospital, I received “one phone call” from “colleagues” in my area (not counting former students who were desperately concerned with my situation). No one came to visit me when I was down to 125 lbs – not a single soul. Vidonne didn’t care one bit about my own health situation. And I don’t write this to “bash her” - but she simply became a person who was the embodiment of “total negativity.” I endured her 'throwing things at me," “saying horrendous things to me” as if I was a nobody, etc. simply because she wanted me to join her in her own “pity-party,” something the doctors told me never to do. She was assessed by 3 psychiatrists as being “incapable of rational thought,” and she took out her violent behavior on me and Mariah (insulting the both of us almost constantly). There were many times when I felt like I was in a scene right out of “The Exorcist.” And I felt, many times, that I was living in “pure hell” (as it is depicted in various forms of Christian literature). When I wrote 70,000 Sorrows I felt as if I was writing my own epitaph. “There is a time for everything under heaven,” as the writer of Ecclesiastes says, and it became evident to me (encouraged by doctors) for me to “swim back to shore” for the sake of my daughter and myself (for my own health and well-being). Again, I don’t need to ‘justify myself’ because I am ‘right with God.’ And simply, she wants to move back to her family in the mid-west (who ironically supports ‘me’ 110% because they know what I’ve gone through). But I don’t care or bother in trying to explain this to everyone. If you could have seen what Mariah and I have seen and been through in the past 5 years, you would understand completely. I never went out looking for love. As I said, I was content to live the rest of my life ‘alone again,’ with God as my sufficient source of strength. The love that came to me in the person of Julia was totally coincidental (or I believe “providential”) . . . for once, I was/am able to move on with my life and actually “live” with love, happiness, and joy (thanks to Julia who gave me a new, beautiful life). Go ahead and judge me if you want. But I have poured out more gallons of compassion for Vidonne when even her own older daughter (from a previous marriage) was asking me 10 years ago, “Bill, how do you put up with it?” All of my family who knows the true story (even Vidonne’s family) is overjoyed that I found Julia and will spend the rest of my days with someone who loves me and brings me deep joy in Christ. As one of my former students pointed out, the “curse of Sisyphus” has finally been lifted from me. So I ask you: After years of abuse, darkness, negativity, and sorrow, am “I” not able to “live?” Or should I remain a “slave in hell” just because some high-minded self-righteous people think so. Again, I have no need to explain myself. Walk in my shoes for a thousand miles and then you might possibly understand. “Judge me,” go ahead, in defiance of the teachings of Christ . . . I have had enough, and I want to “live” a beautiful life. Thank God that he brought Julia into my life because it would be another “Soliloquy” for me. Those who know, understand. Those who don’t know, will never understand. The reason I write this is because I have heard some things. Well, “where were you” during all these years? And where were you when I was sick and dying? You should be happy for me that I have a new life with someone (Julia) who walked into my life right out of a “fairy tale book” and showed me great love and self-less compassion. Nothing else to say, although I could write 100 pages on the details of the subject . . . but “where were you?” “Judge me,” and let God be the judge of you.

Επί της ουσίας, δεν έχω να του προσάψω κάτι. Έτσι όμως όπως γράφει και εκφράζεται, εντάξει? Απλά τραγικός?

Στο πρώτο κείμενο πέθανα στα γέλια, στο “She is beautiful in every way (inside and out) with a huge heart and deep soul” πριν διαβάσω το “heart” νόμιζα θα έλεγε για τα βυζιά της :")

Το δεύτερο όμως είναι απλά θλιβερό. Ξεκίνησα να κάνω 3-4 multiquotes για να σχολιάσω αλλά δεν αξίζει, κρατάω τις απίστευτες στιγμές που έζησα όταν έμαθα τους Warlord, το ξεροστάλιασμα έξω από το δισκάδικο τη μέρα κυκλοφορίας του Rising out… και βάζω ένα μεγαλοπρεπέστατο Χ, ντρέπομαι που έδωσα τα λεφτά μου σε αυτόν τον άνθρωπο απλά για να λέω ότι έχω δει λάιβ τους Warlord. Και απ’ότι βλέπω είναι κολλητικό, άρχισε και ο Zonder να πετάει μαλακίες έτσι στην ψύχρα.

When I was near death, lying in a hospital, I received “one phone call” from “colleagues” in my area (not counting former students who were desperately concerned with my situation). No one came to visit me when I was down to 125 lbs – not a single soul.

Μη σε προβληματίζει το συγκεκριμένο γεγονός, αποκλείεται να φταίει που είσαι ένας γιγαντιαίος λεβεντομαλάκας, οι άλλοι φταίνε που ακούν Kreator και Shadow Gallery

Bill Tsamis
Next time: Don’t ask me for a photograph if you buy bootlegs - I won’t do it.

Κλασική περίπτωση βλάβης…


:lol::lol2: ελιωσα

παντως επειδη τωρα ειδα το κειμενακι για τη vidonne επειδη δε ξερουμε τι εχει ζησει ο καθενας, ας μη βιαζομαστε να κρινουμε. Ειναι μαλακακος ο Τσαμης αλλα εχει περασει και πολλα

Από το ίδιο θρεντ αυτολύπησης με αφορμή μπούτλεγκ από πρόβες:

Bill Tsamis

If fans like bootlegs and illegal, pirated releases so much, then there is NO POINT in working on the new Warlord album.

Anyway, if anything pushes me away from music THIS is the thing that does it.

Either support Warlord or don’t. Because when you don’t, it shows me that you don’t give a damn about me or Mark . . . so why proceed with a new Warlord album. I don’t care what anyone says, “Walk a mile in my shoes and you might just understand.”

If people want to hear “The Rainbow” and old “Warlord rehearsal demos” then there is no point for me to continue working on a new album.

So, again, if people want to hear the Warlord from 1981, then there’s no point in Warlord 2014.


Ειλικρινά, θα ένωνα κι εγώ τη φωνή μου για να παρακαλέσουμε όοοολοι μαζί τον Τσάμης να μην πραγματοποιήσει την απειλή του και αποσυρθεί από την παραγωγή του νέου άλμπουμ ή από τη μουσική σκηνή γενικότερα, αλλά πρέπει να ασχοληθώ με τις ανάγκες της μπέμπας μου που κάνει λιγότερα παιδιαρίσματα.

οσα χρονια και να περασουν τελικα ,θα παραμενει ο ανωριμος 15χρονος που ολοι μας ξερουμε :-s

Εγώ πάλι νομίζω ότι η Julia η Kelleners δεν κάνει αυτά που πρέπει… Εξού και τα παραπάνω!

Η οποία, παρεμπιπτόντως, ήταν στο λάιβ της Αθήνας πρώτη γραμμή και τον εμψύχωνε με το όχι αμελητέο ντεκολτέ της.

Πλάκα πλάκα, αν ο άνθρωπος αυτός, με το άφθαστο ταλέντο στη σύνθεση και στη μελωδία, είχε μια έστω και νορμάλ παραγωγικότητα, θα ήταν από τους σπουδαιότερους μουσικούς παγκοσμίως. Αλλά έτσι όπως είναι, έχει γράψει σε όλη του τη ζωή τόσες μελωδίες όσες είχε γράψει ο Μότσαρτ σε ηλικία 3,5 χρονώ.