Deep Purple

50 χρόνια :heart:
Χρόνια Πολλά :blue_heart::greece:


Εδώ δεν έχουμε “απλώς” μια τεράστια δισκάρα, τρίτη στη σειρά από ένα σύνολο που μοιραζόταν ακόμα τότε ένα κοινό δημιουργικό όραμα, αλλά και μια πολύ σπάνια περίπτωση συγκέντρωσης τόσων διαχρονικών - γνωστών ή “αφανών” - classics, που λίγες αντίστοιχες της υπάρχουν στα χρονικά του rock!

Τι άλλο χρειάζεται να προσθέσει κανείς;


Κρίμα ο άνθρωπος… :frowning_face:

Today, Deep Purple announce that, due to a family matter, Steve Morse will be taking a temporary hiatus from Deep Purple live shows but remains a full member of the band.

Steve’s replacement for the upcoming live shows in May, June and July 2022 will be guitarist Simon McBride, who has previously toured with both Ian Gillan and Don Airey amongst others.

Statement from Steve Morse:

Hello, everybody. I’ve just done a few gigs with the band, after years (!?) of not playing live. It’s a bittersweet, wonderful time to get together.

However, my dear wife Janine is currently battling cancer. At this point, there are so many possible complications and unknowns, that whatever time we have left in our lives, I simply must be there with her.

I am not leaving the band - I hope that after she gets a clean bill of health, I can re-join the tour. However, I am not seeing any likely situation which would allow me to do overseas touring in the immediate future. I continue to be privileged to be a part of the Purple family tree, and also to get to feel the amazing support of so many loyal fans and the rest of the band.

There’s a certified world class guitarist ready to take over for the live shows whom everybody will surely be happy to hear.

I appreciate all your sincere prayers for Janine and thank you all.

Steve Morse

Statement from the rest of the band:

All of our thoughts are with Janine during her fight against cancer and also with Steve while he supports his wife at a very difficult time.

We hope that Steve will be able to join us back on the road later this year.

Ian, Roger, Ian and Don

Statement from Simon McBride:

I’m deeply honoured to be asked to stand-in for Steve and play for such an iconic rock band like Deep Purple. They are amazing musicians and amazing people… I’m very excited to get out and play all those iconic songs and rock the stage with such legends. My thoughts are with Steve and Janine and their family.

Στο μεταξύ όταν είχε βγει ένα live του Gillan με τον συγκεκριμένο κιθαρίστα πριν 2-3 χρόνια, όλοι έλεγαν να ένας καλός αντικαταστάτης του Steve (είχε και έχει τα σοβαρά θέματα στο χέρι του). Γενικά δεν τα είχε πάει άσχημα στα τραγούδια των Purple…


μακάρι να πάνε όλα καλά.

πάντως και λόγω της αρθρίτιδας έχει ταλαιπωρηθεί πολύ ο Morse.

εντωμεταξύ χθες κοιτούσα εισιτήρια για Σόφια που παίζουν στις 29/5. πλέον με αυτή την εξέλιξη δεν το σκέφτομαι καν. εκτός αν γίνει κάτι τελευταία στιγμή και ανακοινωθεί κάτι για Ελλάδα

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Ωραίος είναι ο McBride ρε. Δες το Contractual Obligation και αποφασίζεις μετά! :stuck_out_tongue:

Εγώ τους είχα δει κάποια στιγμή στο Ηράκλειο με άλλο μπασίστα το 2011 - ο Glover μόλις είχε γίνει πατέρας και απουσίαζε για λίγο. Δε με χάλασε ιδιαίτερα, αν και ήταν περίεργο.

τους είχα δει και εγώ τότε στα Γιάννενα. σκύλος ο Paice!

καλά είναι πολλοί οι παράγοντες για το ταξίδι, αλλά ήρθε και αυτό και με ξενέρωσε κάπως…

το ερώτημα είναι πως αφού ήταν κλεισμένοι για το 2020 και το 2021, πως διάολο κατάφεραν να μην τους φέρουν φέτος?!

Καλό Μήνα :heart:


Το συγκεκριμένο κομψοτέχνημα, ενδεικτικό της κλασικής μουσικής παιδείας του Lord αλλά και της επιρροής του τα πρώτα χρόνια των DP, θεωρώ ότι μπαίνει άνετα σε μια λίστα/κουβέντα σχετικά με τα καλύτερα της ιστορικής αυτής μπάντας.
Όπως οι περισσότεροι, άργησα σχετικά να το “ανακαλύψω” αφού βρίσκεται στο ομώνυμο LP, τρίτο (και καλύτερο της Mk I σύνθεσης) δίσκο τους, ο οποίος δεν είναι δημοφιλής επιλογή για όποιον ψάχνει εκ των υστέρων την δισκογραφία τους. Δικαιολογημένα μεν αφού ακολούθησαν αλλαγές στη σύνθεση, και το ύφος από το In Rock και μετά με τεράστια επιτυχία, κακώς όμως αφού πρόκειται για εξαιρετικό δίσκο.


Πραγματικά λατρεύω την ψυχεδελεια αυτου του δίσκου…


Χρόνια Πολλά στον Τεράστιο Ritchie Blackmore :heart:


Για μένα ο καλύτερος κιθαρίστας όλων των εποχών…


52 χρόνια :metal::heart:




Ποτε δεν στενοχωρηθηκα για θανατο αγαπημενου μουσικου περισσοτερο…


Χρόνια Πολλά στον Ian Paice :heart:


51 χρόνια :heart:


Τεράστιος δίσκος, σχετικά παραγνωρισμένος αφού τον επισκιάζει η φήμη της αμέσως προηγούμενης και της αμέσως επόμενης κυκλοφορίας των DP, όμως ακόμη κι αν δεν είναι το καλύτερο τους (έχει βέβαια το δικό του fan club μεταξύ των οπαδών) είναι σίγουρα το πιο πειραματικό τους!
Εκείνη την εποχή σπάνια υπήρχε ταυτόχρονη ημερομηνία κυκλοφορίας παγκοσμίως και η 9/7 αφορούσε τις ΗΠΑ, και πάλι όμως, θα θελα να ήξερα με ποιο κριτήριο επέλεγαν τα μεγαλοστελέχη των δισκογραφικών αυτές τις ημερομηνίες μέσα στο κατακαλόκαιρο για “επίσημη πρώτη” δίσκων στην αγορά!


29 χρόνια…


Από την επίσημη σελίδα της μπάντας:

"Deep Purple announces that Steve Morse will be stepping back from the band, having been its guitarist for more than a quarter of a century.

Steve’s personal circumstances have made it impossible for him to commit to the band’s schedule throughout 2022 and beyond. A few months ago, Steve openly shared with the band´s fans the sad fact that his wife, Janine, is battling cancer and, in his own words, “I simply must be there with her.”

Since joining the band in 1994, Steve has written and recorded eight studio albums with the band:

Rapture of the Deep
Now What?!
Turning to Crime

In addition, Steve has also recorded many live records with Deep Purple over the years.

Steve will be greatly missed by band, crew, management, record label and all those that had the pleasure of working with him over the years.

Steve has always been hugely grateful for the support and love of Deep Purple fans across the globe.

A true master…

In the words of Steve Morse:
Last Autumn, I suddenly left the Purple writing session in Germany because my wife was having a real medical crisis. Almost a year later, we are learning to accept stage 4 aggressive cancer and chemo treatment for the rest of her life. We both miss being at shows, but I simply couldn’t commit to long, or far away tours, since things can change quickly at home. I suggested lining up a substitute guitarist last Autumn, hoping we could see the miraculous cancer cure all of us have heard about. As time went by, I could see the way things were heading though, after 28 years of being in the band.

I’ve already played my last show with Purple back in Florida on the Rock Legends Cruise. I wish to thank the listeners who so strongly supported live music and turned every show from a dress rehearsal to a thundering, exciting experience. I’ll miss everybody in the band and crew but being Janine’s helper and advocate has made a real difference at many key points.

As Janine adjusts to her limitations, she is able to do many things on her own, so we will try to play some shorter nearby concert tours with friends to, hopefully, get both of us out of the house!

I know Simon has the gig nailed already, but I’m now handing over the keys to the vault which holds the secret of how Ritchie’s “Smoke on the Water” intro was recorded. I guess you have to jiggle the key just right because I never got it open.

In the words of Ian Gillan:
In circumstances like these it is normally difficult to find the right words, but not in the case of Steve Morse; I know what I want to say.

He came from a different background to the rest of us in Deep Purple and yet his musical genius has been somehow compatible and played a big part in the fresh direction adopted by the group when he joined and made his first album with us in 1996, and then onwards, for over a quarter of a century, enjoying the longest incumbency of any DP guitarist and contributing to the longest unchanging line-up, which started when Don Airey replaced Jon Lord - who retired in 2002 - until the present day.

I first became aware of Steve through the Dixie Dregs, particularly the track ‘Take it off the Top’ which was the theme tune for Tommy Vance’s BBC rock show and impressed me mightily. I didn’t realise at the time that one day I would be lucky enough to stand on stage with Steve and enjoy his consummate skills up close and dangerous.

I got to know him as a very kind man, full of ideas and the patience to see them developed. He would say, ‘You never know until you try it’. We sure had some fun debating that approach, but mostly in good humour and he always gave as good as he got.

Steve has a legacy with Deep Purple that can never be forgotten, and that smile will be missed. It would be wrong to comment on his personal circumstances, suffice to say he’s in a bad place right now but dealing with it bravely and as best he can; we all admire his devotion; he’s been a strong family man all his life.

All this has come at a terrible time for everybody, including the other musicians in Deep Purple. After two years off the road because of quarantines everywhere, we had to get back to what we do, and that is perform live around the world and make music in the way we have always done, since 1968. As we get older, we realise that we’re much closer to the end, and that triggers an urgency that won’t be tamed. From Steve’s perspective, I can only imagine that there is no possible ‘nice’ way of continuing with a new man, but it is either that or call it a day, because the lack of momentum was gradually becoming something more significant; it felt terminal.

The best way I can describe this is by using Steve’s own words; when I sent him a love letter a few weeks ago, he replied that it was weird being at home whilst we guys were out there, but ‘reality intervenes’… and that’s what has happened.

I can only put out love and respect, and positive vibes at the memories of good times together.

In the words of Ian Paice:
From the moment Steve joined us in Purple, it was obvious he could open up new musical possibilities for us. Like most great creative musicians, he has the ability to come up with musical ideas that no one else has thought of.
I think the easiest way to say it is he’s always “thinking outside the box”. Not many of us can do that!
We learnt he is also an incredibly nice man, who put up with our lack of knowledge of US sports teams and stars, and our continual talk of UK football, (soccer to our US friends!), with great patience. But there is one important truth here and that is “family comes first”.
Steve is adhering to that truth with his wife Janine’s health situation. We will miss him.

In the words of Roger Glover:
In the early 80’s, on tour with Rainbow in Germany, I heard ‘Go for Baroque’ by the Dixie Dregs on a car radio. I was captivated and immediately bought Unsung Heroes. Then I bought Steve’s first solo album. What a guitar player. Never could I have dreamed that twelve years later we would be in a band together.
Deep Purple was at a pivotal point in the mid-90’s and needed to refresh itself. Steve was an inspired choice and brought his talent and limitless imagination to us - evidenced by ‘Purpendicular’, a favourite album of mine – enabling the band to start an amazing journey for the next twenty-eight years… no mean feat. He’s a teacher, he inspired us, me in particular, with his energy, encouragement and wisdom, and his contribution and legacy in this band is beyond words. He will be missed but our friendship will remain.
Sadly, life has intervened, and different challenges are upon us. Janine needs him now, and my best wishes and thoughts go out to them.

In the words of Don Airey:
Thanks Steve for being such a shining light both musically and personally to me over the last few (20 !!) years. All I can do is wish you and Janine the best for the future, in the new course that life has taken you. I know it would take a lot more than this to extinguish your talent and your music, so hopefully we’ll see you down the road a-piece. Cheers DA

There will be no further comment from the band. We kindly ask that Steve and Janine’s privacy is respected and to keep them in your thoughts at this time."


Αυτό ερχόμουν να γράψω. Κρίμα…

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