I am not greek

yes.Google translation isn’t that good.

Σιγά μην είναι και DjorDjevic.

Mήπως να το συνέχιζες το μάθημα?

για να γίνει soft ο μλκ*ς αλλάζει ένας τόνος και ένα φωνήεν…σκατά ελληνικά θα της μάθεις…

σωπα εσυ,εχω προφισιενσι

σορρυ φορ δε αφενς…:smiley:

αφενς βοης?

hmm…well this thread has finally died down so maybe now I will actually write my paper…

what paper?

lol. no not that one

it’s the final paper for my Homeric Contexts class (due Wednesday and I haven’t started writing it yet…12 pages ahhhhh). my thesis is that the immortality of Achilles in the Aethiopis is a reflection of epichoric hero-cults, while his mortality in the Iliad is a move towards Panhellenism. does anyone know enough about that to tell me if that’s stupid or not?

translation please?

αν σε δυσκολεύει, σχολίασε το κωλόχαρτο.


λεει οτι η αθανασια του Αχιλλεα στην Αιθιοποια αντικατοπτριζει τα επικοηρωικα cult πραματα.ενω η θνητοτητα του στην Ιλιαδα ειναι μια κινηση προς τον Πανελληνισμο

πιο ευκολο θα ηταν ρε μπηντιν

boneoghost perhaps i could help because study to become a philologist but i actually don’t study much because i listen to music all the time and post to rocking.gr

3000!!! i am touring the woooooooooorld

umm…how to say it differently…

my theory is that Achilles is immortal in the Epic Cycle (in the summary of the Aethiopis provided by Proclus, Achilles is snatched from the funeral pyre and taken to the White Island by his mother Thetis) because the poems of the Cycle referenced local traditions of hero worship (in this case, worship of Achilles), while the Iliad was an attempt at a more Panhellenic poem and therefore left out references to local hero-cults, thus making Achilles mortal instead of an immortal hero.

maybe thats just more complicated…

εδω βρηκες να το βαλεις;

Oh, you’ll find out. In this case, i strongly recommend ouzo before a date.
Welcome m8, good to have foreigners in rocking :slight_smile: We are getting bored with the locals.

Dont listen tou faceless_rania…