Αποχωρεί ο K.K. Downing από τους Judas Priest!

Οι ανακοινώσεις μόνο για managers δε γράφουν απ’ όσο θυμάμαι. (και αμφιβάλω αν έχει υπάρξει ποτέ ανακοίνωση μπάντας που να αναφέρουν μανατζεριλίκια μέσα. Συνήθως αυτά είναι παρασκηνιακά)

σε ρώτησα κι εγώ γιατί οι ανακοινώσεις δεν γράφουν τίποτα για manager, γι’αυτό με παραξένεψε που το είπες. προφανώς ο κκ δεν ήθελε να συνεχίσουν και ήθελε μία honorable retirement. οι άλλοι ήθελαν να συνεχίσουν οπότε εκεί έγινε το θέμα και τους είπε bb. αν θυμάσει πρώτα είχε ανακοινωθεί οτί θα γίνει η epitath tour (σαν τελευταία περιοδεία) και μετά ανακοινώθηκε οτί θα δουλέψουν σε νέο υλικό. άσε που και μόνο το ότι παρουσίασαν τον αντικαταστάτη τόσο μπαμ, ε κάτι μυρίζει…

Εμένα γενικά η όλη υπόθεση μου ‘‘βρωμάει’’,και όπως βλέπω στα 2 παραπάνω post και σε σας.
Συγγνώμη αν έβγαλα πολλή ‘‘χολή’’ στο πρώτο post αλλά νομίζω με καταλαβαίνετε.

Φρίντομ,κι όμως λέει για μάνατζερ : ‘‘Υπήρχε μια τρέχουσα ρήξη στην εργασιακή σχέση μεταξύ εμού, στοιχείων της μπάντας και του management αυτής …’’

πάντως το οτί είχαν έτοιμο αντικαταστάτη δείχνει οτί υπήρχε θέμα εδώ και καιρό και δεν ήταν κάτι ξαφνικό…α και κάτι τελευταίο…τυχαίο που ο αντικαταστάτης είναι ξανθός μακρυμάλλης??

Πλιζ, όχι άλλα gay αστεία για τους Πριστ!

δε το λέω για gay αστείο. το λέω για το ότι τον διάλεξαν για να φέρνει εμφανησιακά στον κκ.

χαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχαχα ΕΛΙΩΣΑ

Χωρίς περμανάντ??


Δε νομιζω οτι χαλαστηκε ο ΚΚ για τα λεφτα,αλλα στο πως θα κλεισουν την καριερα τους.

Γρακχε μιση ντροπη δικη του μιση δικη τους που συνεχιζουν χωρις αυτον.Δηλαδη,αν πχ ειχαν συμφωνησει για τελευταιο τουρ και ειπε ο ΚΚ οτι θελει να αποσυρθει ενω εχουν υπογραφει συμβολαια κτλ,οι υπολοιποι τι να κανουν?

Ορισμενοι νομιζετε οτι πεταξαν τον ΚΚ απο τη μπαντα,ενω δεν πρεπει να συνεβη κατι τετοιο.

ΟΚ,Eφυγε ο KK δεν μπορουσαν να παρουν εναν κιθαριστα απο Saxon,Diamond Head εναν ιστορικο κι8αριστα εναν που να χει χρονια στην πλατη του…??? Aυτο με χαλαει εμενα ηθελα εναν γνωστο κιθαριστα

το καλύτερο θα ήταν να μένανε με τον tipton και να είχαν ηχογραφημένα τα κομμάτια του kk.

πλάκα πλάκα… αλλά κι’αυτό κοροιδία είναι ρε γαμώτο…

Ακριβώς.Όπως έκαναν οι Slayer πρόσφατα και νομίζω ελάχιστα χαλάστηκαν όσοι τους είδαν.
Για μένα όποιες και να είναι οι συνθηκες αποχώρησης ο ΚΚ παραμένει απαράδεκτος.Ας έπαιζε υπο οποιεσδήποτε συνθήκες για χάρη του κόσμου που τον ανέδειξε και τον αγάπησε.Ειδικά εφόσον είναι τελευταία περιοδεία.
Ακόμα και στα λεφτά να μην ήταν το θέμα όμως,και να είναι μόνο το αν θα συνεχίσουν μετά την περιοδεία,ας καθόταν για το ‘‘αντίο’’ και ας την έκανε μετά.Δε δικαιολογείται με τίποτα αυτή η επιλογή,ό,τι και αν έγινε(εκτός αν είναι πρόβλημα υγείας και δε θέλει να το πει δημοσίως οπότε τα αναθεωρώ όλα).

Btw, το Σάββατο είδα στη Στοκχόλμη μια cover band Judas Priest, άλλο πράγμα. Μέχρι και τον τραγουδιστή σας αλλάζω, άμα θέλετε…:stuck_out_tongue:

Και πως θα λέμε ΚΚ και που μας καίει ΚΚ;

[B]Οριστε μια συνεντευξη του Rob πολυ ενδιαφερουσα:[/B]

On whether the next PRIEST studio album will be similar to the band’s last CD, “Nostradamus” (2008), or if it will be a return to a classic PRIEST album format along the lines of “Angel Of Retribution” (2005):

Halford: “Well, I can tell you that it’s gonna be a very strong, powerful, solid heavy metal album with all of the famous things people love about PRIEST ? all the big sledgehammer heavy metal riffs from Birmingham and the screaming vocals. And it’s just a very straightforward record as far as looking at our past and all of the wonderful things that we’ve done in heavy metal ? from ‘British Steel’ to ‘Painkiller’ to ‘Sad Wings Of Destiny’. We’ve got this wonderful heritage in our music, so I think we’re just letting our heart lead us on this record. It’s not as complicated or as complex in the arrangements as ‘Nostradamus’ was and I think we always felt that it would have been wrong to finish the recording side of PRIEST with ‘Nostradamus’; we felt it was very important to kind of re-focus and put the metal in its place that we’re most famous for, and I think that’s what we’re gonna do with this new record. It’s coming out next year. It’s almost completed. A lot of the songs have been already written, not fully recorded, but all of the arrangements have been made. That’s the time-consuming part ? the actual writing of the songs and then getting the arrangements right and all the pieces into place. And then when you go in the studio, the studio is generally a pretty straightforward operation. But we’re excited, yeah. It’s kind of unusual, isn’t it?! 'Cause it’s farewell, but it’s full of new things; we have a new show, new costumes, new setlist and that’s we’ve always tried to do for our fans and for ourselves ? to make every tour special, and that’s definitely the case with this one.”

On the future of JUDAS PRIEST after the “Epitaph” tour:

Halford: “It’s a very open set of opportunities, of course. We will still be making shows, we won’t be going out on these long, massive world tours as much. But we’ll still be getting together every now and again and doing a festival here and there. Personally, I don’t see any reason why we need to stop the writing and the recording, because that’s always a great joy and pleasure and it’s not as stressful and difficult, physically and mentally, as a tour. So yeah, the future is not really laid out for certain, but I guess we’ll just be and do what we’ve always tried to do as a metal band, which is, in one way or another, still keep recording and still do some shows.”

On what it means to him to be working on a new JUDAS PRIEST studio album at this point in the band’s career:

Halford: “I think it’s just another testament to the self-belief we have as a band. We still feel that we’ve got something to say. We still feel that we’ve got important things to display in our music, especially. And so, for a brand new studio album to come this far on in our career, I think it’s a wonderful achievement, and I think it’s just letting our fans, especially, see that the things that are important to us ? the passion of metal and the power of metal ? is still alive inside of us and we still get a lot of pleasure and satisfaction from making metal songs and recording them and putting on a show. That’s not changed. I think in our hearts we wish we could do this forever. [Laughs] It’s like your favorite soccer player; you wish he could keep playing the game forever, but eventually you have to be realistic and sensible and say, ‘This has been great. I’m still gonna do a few things ? maybe do some coaching.’ Still stay in the mix of metal. But life goes on and things change. But like I said, we hope that people will see this as a time to celebrate, with a lot of new experiences. We’re celebrating a lot of great moments from our past, but we’re also looking forward to the future.”

On K.K. Downing’s statement that his departure from JUDAS PRIEST was brought on in part by “an ongoing breakdown in [the] working relationship between [him], elements of the band, and the band’s management”:

Halford: “Well, I’m sure you’ve been around a lot of bands in your life as a journalist and I’m sure you’ve heard a lot of stories about the creative differences that happen in a group, and you always overcome them. It’s not easy being in a band; it’s a very difficult, temperamental machine, because you’re dealing with very emotional people, very talented people, and so you have your ups and your downs. I think that in the light of all of the excitement and the confusion over the last few weeks, a lot of the things have been kind of distorted out of the fact. I don’t really know why K.K. said what he said in his press release. I think maybe K.K. himself was feeling very emotional and very kind of? I don’t know? maybe retrospective about all of the things that have been going on in PRIEST for the last few years. . . If you go onto his web site today, he put up a new press release and he says, you know, he’s had a great time and he’s not feeling bitter, he’s not feeling in any other way than feeling just very satisfied and complete that he’s done all the things that he wants to do. And I think that’s great. I think K.K.'s really answered a lot of questions for a lot of people. But I think it was unfair to single out the bandmembers and I think it was unfair to single out management as the reason why he left, because it was more than that. And so there you go. We’re all separate, individual people that all have lives to live and all have different needs and choices to be made, and this is the one that K.K.'s gone with. And we love him dearly; he’ll always be in the spirit of JUDAS PRIEST. We wish things were different, but they’re not, so we have to look forward and be positive and be excited about the shows that we’re gonna do and a great new guitar player, Richie. JUDAS PRIEST is not just one person, JUDAS PRIEST is the whole experience, and we’ve always felt that way. Even when I was away from the band, JUDAS PRIEST carried on. So this is what we’re gonna do ? we’re gonna be strong and we’re gonna put on some powerful shows and we’re gonna celebrate and have some great metal experiences together again.”

On why K.K. couldn’t wait until after the “Epitaph” tour to leave the band:

Halford: “It’s a great question. I can’t answer it. You have to get in touch with K.K. and ask him that question, 'cause I can’t answer it. I think we’ve tried to be as honest and as straightforward as we can be on both sides of the discussion, and it is very emotional. I mean, you could just as easily [have asked] that same question ? which you may have done ? when I was away from the band, and Ripper, my good friend Ripper, was holding the mic for me. You just have to carry on. I think more than anything, it’s just kind of difficult, 'cause it’s a farewell tour. Why is it happening now? Well, you’ve got no control over life, have you? [Laughs] You can’t control life and these things happen. So you just have to accept them and see what your options are. So that’s the way it is. Of course, it will never be the same without K.K., like I’m sure a lot of people said it was never the same without me. But you can’t just grind to a halt, you can’t just stop everything ? that would be ridiculous. We have obligations to our fans and to promoters and to everybody else, and to our record company, and we wanna fulfill them and be professional and do the right thing, which is what I think we are doing.”


Οπότε υποθέτουμε πως ο καινούριος δίσκος θα βγει με κιθάρες Tipton και τον άλλον, τον αντικαταστάτη του Αναντικατάστατου; Απαράδεκτη κίνηση αν όντως γίνει έτσι… Μήπως λοιπόν ήρθε η ώρα να το σχολάσουν κι αυτοί; Τώρα, που έχουν ακόμα την αξιοπρέπειά τους;

Το θεμα οτι δεν ξερουμε ποιος εκανε αρχικα την μαλακια, γιατι περι μαλακιας προκειται. Θεωρω πιθανοτερο να εχουν οι αλλοι αδικο, αλλα δεν ξερουμε τι εγινε για να ειμαστε σιγουροι… Το να ηχογραφησουν αλμπουμ με τον καινουριο θα ειναι [B]ΧΟΝΤΡΗ[/B] μαλακια παντως… Ας παιξει ο Tipton ολες τις κιθαρες…