Πολύ καλύτερος από ότι περίμενα! Αυτή η χροιά ρε γμτ…
Άραγε το (death metal) κοινό από κάτω, τι αντίδραση να είχε; Στο ελάχιστο που τους δείχνει η κάμερα, δε φαίνονται και να πετάνε από τη χαρά τους. Με βάζουν σε υποψίες μπας και δεν ξέρουν καν ποιοι είναι οι Savatage.
Oliva confirmed that a new SAVATAGE album is nearly complete, though work on it has been sporadic. “I basically have an album ready,” he explained. “I’ve been working on it off and on. We were talking about touring before my accident. I’ve been working on stuff for about a year. If I get the guys together to record, it’s ready. But we wanted to do this tour first.”
Regarding the amount of material available, he revealed that there is much more than just one album’s worth. “We have enough for four albums,” he said. “The lyrics aren’t written yet, but musically, it’s done. And it’s my fault everything stopped because of the fractures.”