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Όχι ε. Δεν παίζει. Πλάκα.
Απλά δείτε λίγο τα σχόλια εδώ:
ο προσεκτικός αναγνώστης θα καταλάβει ποιός είναι πίσω από τον χρήστη που δηλώνει:
The myths are destined to die, eventually…
Chaos Gen will perform live in a “Last Goodbye” concert, stay tuned brothers & sisters, keep the faith…!
Ναι. ΝΑΙ!
Live στη Villa να τα σπάσουμε όλα ρε!
Παιδιά απλώς υπομονή προς το παρόν. Είναι θέμα χρόνου η επίσημη ανακοίνωση και τα υπόλοιπα…
Eπ εσύ ξέρεις περισσότερα. :!:
Για πεεες για πεεεεεεες!
Εγώ ανεφέρα ό,τι έχει δημοσιοποιηθεί από τους ίδιους τους ΓΤΧ στο youtube account του γκρουπ. Όντως, έχω κάποια παραπάνω πληροφόρηση, αλλά θα γίνουν όλα στον καιρό τους, όπως οι ίδιοι επιθυμούν και όπως είναι και το σωστό άλλωστε. :dunno: :dunno:
Xμ, σωστός. Ε δεν θα πάθουμε τίποτα να περιμένουμε λιγάκι. Αρκεί που ισχύει!
Δεν ήξερα που να το ποστάρω αυτό και το βάζω εδώ. Μου τους πρότεινε ένας φίλος που τους είδε στο πρόσατο live τους στο underworld. είμαι άσχετος με το σπορ.
Λέγονται Dirty Granny Tales, στις επιρροές τους αναφέρουν τα εξής:
Dark Circus, Freak Shows, Japanese Gothic Theater, Black Metal, Atmospheric Film Soundtracks
και το myspace τους είναι αυτό:
Φανταστείτε τους Tiger Lillies με black metal φωνητικά, και λίγο πιο goth oriented μουσική. Περιέργοι.
Βρήκα αυτό στο νετ και το παραθέτω αυτούσιο:
Γιαγιά γιατί έχεις τόσο μεγάλα δόντια;"…ρωτούσε κάποτε η κοκκινοσκουφίτσα. “Για να σε φάω καλύτερα!” θ’ απαντούσε η γιαγιά των Dirty Granny Tales. Στην Ελλάδα υπάρχουν άνθρωποι με έμπνευση, αληθινοί καλλιτέχνες που δεν εγκλωβίζονται σε καλούπια και δοκιμάζουν αντισυμβατικές συνταγές. Μια τέτοια περίπτωση είναι και το προαναφερθέν συγκρότημα. Το είδος μουσικής τους δεν τοποθετείται κάπου συγκεκριμένα. Χρησιμοποιούν ακουστικές κιθάρες, κρουστά, τσέλο και μαντολίνα για να αποδώσουν μια ατμόσφαιρα πέρα για περα εφιαλτική, τόσο που νομίζεις πως ο μπαμπούλας κάτω απ’ το κρεβάτι σου ήρθε για να σου θυμίσει τι φοβόσουν όταν ήσουν παιδί. Το ξεχωριστό είναι πως στις ζωντανές τους εμφανίσεις παρελαύνουν μαριονέτες και συμμετέχει χορεύτρια, ενώ χρησιμοποιούν εμφατικούς φωτισμούς, projector και κουστούμια παρουσιάζοντας μια ολοκληρωμένη καλλιτεχνική πρόταση στα όρια του τελετουργικού.
Ο πρώτος τους δίσκος κυκλοφόρησε φέτος με τίτλο “Inversed World” και θεματολογικά περιστρέφεται γύρω απ’ την ιστορία ενός άντρα που βαδίζοντας σε ερημικά δρομάκια πετυχαίνει ένα θέατρο του δρόμου. Μπαίνοντας μέσα κι αφού πληρώσει αντί εισιτήρίου μ’ ένα σημαντικό κομμάτι του σώματός του, πίσω απ’ το παραβάν, ανακαλύπτει ότι όλο το σκηνικό ήταν μια παγίδα από μαριονέτες, οι οποίες κλέβουν την ψυχή των ανθρώπων για ν ‘αποκτήσουν εκείνες ζωή. Η περιέργεια σκοτώνει λένε! Ο κόσμος αντιστρέφεται και τα έμψυχα με τα άψυχα αλλάζουν ρόλο. Έτσι ο πρωταγωνιστής γίνεται εργαλείο των εργαλείων. Πέρα το αλληγορικού χαρακτήρα, η ιστορία είναι ένα παραμύθι για ενήλικους, με αισθητική καθαρά επηρεασμένη απ’ τον Tim Burton αλλά και από το βιβλίο του Clive Barker “Ο Κλέφτης του Πάντοτε”. Επίσης έχει και gothic στοιχεία, θεατρικές φωνές και γιαπωνέζικη comic ατμόσφαιρα, ενώ φαίνονται κάποιες επιρροές στο κομμάτι του μακιγιάζ απ’ το νορβηγικό black metal. Ειδική μνεία πρέπει να κάνω στο booklet του δίσκου που περιέχει ένα καλοσχεδιασμένο 28-σέλιδο κόμικ που μας εξηγεί την ιστορία παραστατικά. Σίγουρα αξίζουν την προσοχή μας οι Dirty Granny Tales καθώς παίζουν τελείως πρωτοποριακή μουσική που κανείς δεν έχει δοκιμάσει στην χώρα μας και μάλιστα με τόσο θεατρικό και πειστικό τρόπο. Τα live τους είναι μια εμπειρία που θα κάνει να ξεχάσετε τον κόσμο γύρω σας και σίγουρα θα σας χαρίσει ανατριχίλες στην ραχοκοκαλιά.
Το υπερφυσικό concept, φαίνεται να είναι βγαλμένο από άλλο κόσμο ανάλογο με αυτόν των ποιητών και των τρελών. Όλος ο δίσκος είναι φτιαγμένος έτσι ώστε ν’ ακούγεται ως ενιαίο έργο. Η ατμόσφαιρα θλιμμένη, απόκοσμη, μας κάνει να σκεφτούμε για το τίμημα που πληρώνουμε για να ικανοποιήσουμε τις επιθυμίες μας, τον τρόπο που αξιολογούμε τα πράγματα, τον βαθμό που θα ρισκάραμε για ν’ αποκτήσουμε αυτά που νομίζουμε ότι θέλουμε, το ότι ο κόσμος δεν είναι αυτό που νομίζουμε, αλλά ούτε κι εμείς οι ίδιοι. Ίσως να είμαστε ξύπνιοι μέσα στο όνειρο κάποιου άλλου. Κι αλήθεια αν τα γνωρίζουμε όλα αυτά τι μας μένει να κάνουμε; Οι πόρτες τρίζουν, ο αέρας κάνει τα κεριά να τρέμουν, η ατμόσφαιρα μυρίζει λιβάνι…
H παράσταση αρχίζει…
Ω, τι γαμάτοι οι απο πανω! Πολύ σε θεατρικό μου εκανε με λίγο λατινο-γκόθικ και ψυχεδελικά φωνητικά.! Τους ακουσα πολύ ευχάριστα. Μπράβο για την πρόταση…
Αμα βρω θα κατεβάσω!
Παναγιώτη,περιμενω επικά post για Athamay,the Illusion fades και Flowers of romance…
@fenia: άντε να βρεις τπτ να βρούμε και εμείς μετά!
@ Davidian: Αν εννοείς τους Athamay που έχουν τον δίσκαρο The Pleasure Of Sin, τότε νομίζω ότι δεν είναι Έλληνες. Όσο για τα υπόλοιπα που λες κάτι θα πρέπει να κάνω όντως. Πάντως τους Flowers Of Romance τους είχα αναφέρει στα πεταχτά παλιότερα στο ίδιο thread:
Βέβαια, και το Dοrian Grey είναι απίστευτος δίσκος, Shooting A Love Fix, There Is Nothing We Can’t Solve Together είναι κομματάρες που δεν γράφονται συχνά. Θα επανέλθω κάποια στιγμή.
Όσο για τους The Illusion Fades, θα τους δω live την Παρασκευή κατά πάσα πιθανότητα, οπότε κάτι θα γίνει!
Ρε το cd που σου έδωσε εκείνος ο τύπος στο Ονομα Του Ρόδου, με το μπλουζάκι Aura Noir και που λέει ότι έπαιζε gothic το ακουσες, ή ακόμα? Μπορεί να έιναι έμπειρο.
Οχι ακομα…:lol: Επεται…
Υ.Γ Πως λεγόντουσαν κατι παλιοί Ελληνες που εμοιαζαν πολύ με cure και ειχαν ενα τρελλο κομματι που λεγοταν creatures of the night ή καπως έτσι?Θυμάσαι μήπως?
Ρε μπας και λες το Children Of The Flowers των The Illusion Fades? Δεν μου θυμίζει κάτι ο τίτλος που λες :-k
Βρήκα το παρακάτω κείμενο, από τον Νίκο Δρίβα - κιθαρίστα των Distorted Image. Πρόκειται για μια παρουσίαση της Darkwave / Gothic σκηνής στην Ελλάδα.
This is an attempt to capture everything that has in some sort of way contributed to the Darkwave and Gothic scene in Greece. Many of the bands here may not want their music to be labeled but their existence contributed in its own way to the gothic subculture. All facts written here are from my own personal experience and based on some research. I know that some things may have been left out. There is so much that has happened during the last two decades to be penned down in a few pages. Everyone that has been involved in the genre as a musician or as just a fan has his or her own story to tell.
PART I - The 1980s
Punk had its impact in Greece like all countries around the world. By 1980 the punk rock and the new wave scene in general had began to grow. Bands such as Stress, Ex Humans, Γενιά Του Χάους (Chaos Generation) and Αδιέξοδο had taken form. Along side the punk scene a number of bands started to emerge, each with a unique sound. These bands had a more experimental and darker sound influenced by the UK underground scene. Villa 21, Yell’O’Yell, Metro Decay are some to name. These bands found refuge at the independent label Creep Records. The labels first release was by Yell’O’Yell the single Shoot The Truth in 1982. Yell’O’Yell fronted by the charismatic artists Fill Scars later released two albums Fun Time in 1983 and Hello Hell in 1984. After releasing two singles Villa 21 released their debut album Ghost On The Move in 1983.
The first video clip shown on Greek television by one of these bands was the song Annie’s Animal by Villa 21 shown on the music program Mousikorama. The only place for such bands to play live at that time was Σοφίτα, a club in the Plaka area of Athens. Plaka was the underground threshold of the town. In 1983 the government’s anti-rock policy closed down all the rock clubs in the area. Alongside Σοφίτα, the clubs Mad and Skylab were also closed.
By this time a number of bands from the UK had come to Greece to perform live and this gave the chance for the evolving scene here to witness for the first time bands from abroad. The sight of Nick Cave was a shock when he first appeared live with Birthday Party at an Independent Rock Festival at Sporting arena in September of 1982. Amongst others New Order also performed at the same festival. The first actual contact the Greeks had with goth was with the live appearance of Bauhaus. The band unlike their usual shows that usually took place in theaters, in Athens Bauhaus performed at Sporting arena on the 14th of May of 1983. The arena was full with a punk and new wave crowd that was left speechless by the theatrics performed by Peter Murphy and Daniel Ash. Everyone was desperate to dance and explode to some tune but Peter Murphy dazed all with his ritualistic dancing. Finally the arena erupted with everyone’s favorite song, Ziggy Stardust.
The band that one could say brought goth to the country was The Cure. Their live appearance at the Rock In Athens festival in 1985 was that which influenced and introduced the whole gothic-darkwave genre to the country. That which was underground till then became known and given a name. The Rock In Athens festival was held at the Panathinaiko Stadium on the 26th and 27th of July and featured apart from The Cure bands such as Depeche Mode, The Stranglers and The Clash.
Throughout the 1980’s many so called darkwave or deathrock bands surfaced. Metro Decay released their album Υπέρβαση on Creep Records in 1984. South Of No North was one of the first true darkwave bands to emerge in Greece. Their debut album Lacrimae Christ featured the classic 10.000 Eyes. Creep Records also released their second album Fell Frozen in 1986 being one of its last releases, ending the company’s five-year active presence. Λευκή Συμφωνία were the first band to sign to a major label and their first album Μυστικοί Κήποι released in 1986 did very well. They also appeared on television with their video clip for the song Μυστικοί Κήποι. Similar to Metro Decay, they also had Greek lyrics. Their second album - Ηχώ Του Πόθου was released in 1988 and showed a less dark direction. Another band of that time was Viridian Green, which released their debut album -ΗΩ in 1988 on Wipe Out records
Forward Music Quintet was another act that expanded through the 80’s. After two self produced albums they released their third Vanishing Soldiers in 1991 by Wipe Out records. Slow Motion were formed in 1985 by Theodor Samoladas and John Barouxis. Their debut album This Slow Motion was released in 1988 by Wipe Out records and contained the club favourite Die Seele. The album featured lyrics in English and in German.
The duet In Trance 95 will be remembered for their dark electro pop rhythms featured on their debut single Desire To Desire released by Wipe Out records in 1988. The band Flowers Of Romance fronted by singer Mike Pougounas appeared in the compilation album 12 Raw Greek Groups released in 1988 by Wipe Out records. Ding An Sich, named after a theory of Emmanuel Kant, were formed in 1987. The band released their self-produced debut single And… in 1989. Before the end of the decade South Of No North released their third homonymous album this time by Wipe Out records in 1989. The album was full of atmospheric dark melodic songs.
The main source for goths to buy cloths in the 1980’s was at Remember store in Plaka. This was the only store to import clothes and shoes from England together with a few stores at the Monastiraki flea market. The only music press at the time was Pop and Rock music magazine. This was the only magazine at the time that featured - from time to time - something related to goth. As always, many fanzines circulated that period, focusing on the local underground scene. Rebound club was the first in Athens that was a true goth venue. But at its peak, authorities closed down the club. An club and Rock Palais were the most common places for local bands to play live.
the late 80’s more bands from overseas played live. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds played at Club 22 in September of 1987. In February of 1988 The Damned played two nights at Rodon club. The club was filled with a punk and goth crowd all there to witness the legendary band and of course its frontman Dave Vanian, who for many was the ultimate goth icon. Nick Cave became familiar with the Greek crowd and performed once again with the Bad Seeds in May of 1988 this time at Rodon club. In December of the same year Siouxsie and the Banshees played two nights at Sporting arena. The arena was full on both nights showing the Greek audience’s thirst for live performances which up to then where scarce. Also in December The Mission performed live at Rodon club for two nights. After the success of their previous visit, The Cure performed live again at AEK stadium during their Prayer Tour in 1989. Around that time Christian Death also played at Rodon club.
Film Noir released their first mini album Never Ending Dream in 1986. The album featured female vocals by Maria - Gabriela Loukaki. Their second album Portait of A Child released in 1990 on their own label Aural Art featured only male vocals and was their last before they broke up.
PART II - The 1990s
With the 1990’s things started to change. Rebound club reopened and gave goths a home again. Friday and Saturday nights became an addiction. Goths paraded the club, clad in black clothes with crept hair, invading the club’s dance floor. Everyone danced from the death rock and gothic sounds of Christian Death and X Mal Deutschland to the electro beats of Front 242. Bands continued to emerge - that time was inspired completely by goth.
Slow Motion released their second album Viati***** in 1990. The gothic rockers Flowers Of Romance debuted with their album Dorian Grey on Wipe Out records in 1990 followed by Pleasure And Pain in 1993. They had a clear influence by bands such as The Cult and The Mission. On their last album Brilliant Mistakes released in 1996, Wayne Hussey of The Mission was involved in the production. The German label Hyperium released the song Channel Z as a single. Distorted Image formed in 1988 by Nick Drivas and Kostas Androutsopoulos. The bands final form was complete with Tasos Kitsos on vocals. After a four year period of gigging they managed to self release their debut single Prayers Of another Year in 1992. This was to be their only release before splitting up. South Of No North’s fourth and final album Rajah was a collection of their last recordings plus some older previously unreleased tracks. It was released in 1992 by Wipe Out records.
Into the Abyss were a Greek-German based band fronted by Janis Kalifatidis. They were featured in many gothic compilations one of which was Mick Mercers Gothic Rock II. The band’s back catalogue includes the albums Martyrium released in 1993, The Feathered Snake released in 1995 and the peak of their work Cosmogonia also released in Germany in 1998. Into the Abyss have toured Europe many times with various goth acts.
Ding An Sich were also featured in the compilation album Fragmenta V by the fanzine B23 in 1993, which also featured Λευκή Συμφωνία. They also supported The Damned’s second visit at Rodon club in 1993. The Illusion Fades first appeared with their debut single Valentine and then their homonymous full length album in 1993 released by Wipe Out records. The darkwave band The Drops formed in the early 90’s by Stratos Theologitis, Nick Sebekopoulos, Panagioti Christoforou and Dimitri Steves. They initially released the single Fatal Fall in 1994 and then their full-length album Heavenly Curse a year later, both on Wipe Out records. Λευκή Συμφωνία relocated to Germany where they recorded their third homonymous album. Two new members from Germany were added to the line up. The album was released in 1993 and the bands major moment was when it supported The Cult with Mettalica in Athens.
Ophelia’s Garden were formed by two members of the band Servants Of Mephistophelis, Petros Tsalpatouras and Kyriakos Iliou in 1994. At the end of 1997 they released their debut album Blood Wedding by Physis records. Ding An Sich now continue with a new line up and direction. They now consist mainly of Nikos Sarikostas and various female singers. The bands new ethereal dark pop is featured on their first album The Wanderer And His Shadow released in 1996. After releasing Old As Forever… compiled with all their early work of their gothic period between 1988 and 1992, We Are Involved In A War was self released featuring dream synthpop that is inspired by 80’s new wave music with brilliant female vocals. Actually We Are Involved In A War is a compilation of songs and mixes of works from 1994 to 1998.
The band Wasteland had a more pop sound but did have a Mission feel to their music. After participating in a compilation released the mini album Dream Drops in 1994 on Pegasus records. On the same label the band released two singles Moon on fire in 1994 and Move in 1996. Three Miles Away were featured in a compilation album from the fanzine B23. There were many other bands that were active during the 90’s but did not manage release anything. Some of these bands were Dead Babies, Insomnia and Brain Dead.
At this point things seemed to become stagnant. The techno-rave fever of the time seemed to shadow everything. All seemed as if the Goth scene was dying like all genres do. But suddenly there was an eruption of new bands forming the so-called neogoth scene. In the mid 90’s more clubs emerged that played only gothic, such as Dark Sun and The Crow. Also many other alternative clubs had gothic nights. New Dark Age held goth nights at Memphis club, Gothic Meetings took place at Χοροστάσιον club (Xorostasion club), Medieval Industry held the decks at Rebound and Dark Side record store organized most of the goth events and concerts at Bug club. Apart from Athens, the X club housed the dark electro scene in Thessaloniki. Stigmata was the first gothzine to emerged. Each issue featured a cassette with rare material from Greek and foreign acts. The Dreamhouse radio show hosted by Leonidas Skiadas has been for years now the only radio show to play exclusive darkwave, gothic, industrial, EBM and apocalyptic folk. Also the internet has become a vast area for many Greek goth sites to emerge. Apart from the label and band sites we find goth communities
More bands played live in the 90s. Dead Can Dance played live at Pallas theatre in 1990. For the two nights that Dead Can Dance preformed, the audience was captivated by Lisa Gerrand’s heavenly voice. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds played at Lycabetus theatre in June 1990. Siouxsie And The Banshees also played at Lycabetus theatre in September 1993. The Cure returned for another live performance at Leoforos stadium with Jesus And Mary Chain in June 1995. Dead Can Dance preformed once more in Athens in 1996 this time at Lycabetus theatre. The Sisters Of Mercy headlined the Rockwave festival in 1997, playing together with New Model Army, Flowers Of Romance and Διάφανα Κρίνα. Midnight Configuration played live at Bug club in April of 1998, supported by Ophelia’s Garden and The Drops. The same bands supported Christian Death at Woodstock club in June of 1998. Death In June also played at Bug club together with NON and Der Blutharsch in May 1999. Death in June preformed a rare acoustic set at club Dark Sun, the day after their live at Bug club. The Italian band Ataraxia also played live at Bug club, performing their medieval and renaissance show. Also at the same club in November Clan Of Xymox performed with Diary Of Dreams.
Stefano Glaufx the frontman of Viridian Green created CAPP productions. Through CAPP he released his own side projects and many other local and foreign electronic acts. Viridian Green have another two releases on CAPP, the albums Night and I Had A Dream. Both with dark ambient electronica and industrial sounds. The Illusion Fades who have become the sole work of George Dedes released the album Shadowlove in 1997. A year later in 1998 he recorded In The Arms Of An Angel and released it on CAPP. Slow Motion returned with Blind Transmissions, released during 1998 from CAPP, with a near-sounding atmosphere influenced by many songs ranging from the 80’s dark gothic scene, to the most avant-guard investigation of present day techno-ambience trance composers.
PART III - The 2000s
Nexus named after the androids in the movie Blade Runner, were formed in 1998 and are considered as the top industrial/goth band of the country. Having released three albums and one EP, their name seems to be rapidly growing in Europe. Their debut album 6 was released in May of 2000 and had Greek lyrics. Six months later the band releases their second album Cybernaut this time with English lyrics. Two of its members, Mike Pougounas and Costas Spanos were formerly in the band Flowers Of Romance and drummer Dimitri Steves in The Drops. They have formed their own label, Cyberdelia records, where they have released all their work including their latest album Wrapped In Cellophane. After some selected concerts, line up changes and participating in a few compilations Ophelia’s Garden recorded their second full length album Love Eternal which was released towards the end of 2000 by Wipe Out records. Their songs are full of atmospheric melodies with male and female vocals expressing esoteric fears and love for life.
The apocalyptic folk band Sol Invictus preformed live at Bug club in March 2000. In April of the same year the Dark Easter festival was held at Bug club featuring Das Ich the pagan goth rockers Inkubus Sukkubus, Kirlian Camera from Italy and Christian Death. Also in April of 2000 Into The Abyss played live at An club and the show was recorded and released as their live album Adrenochrome by Cyberdelia records. The Mission preformed for a second time in Greece this time on their Resurrection tour in May of 2000 in Athens at Octagon club and in Thessaloniki at X Club where Nexus supported them. Garden Of Delight played at Bug club in June during their Resurrection 2000 tour. The cancelled Rockwave festival in 2002 was transformed to the Shockwave festival featuring The Cure and Mesh. A few months later in October Mesh returned to Greece and played at Gagarin 205.
With the new millennium the goth scene in Greece was renewed with more electro and synthpop styles. Events taking place were more electronic orientated. The dj’s at clubs played mostly Industrial, EBM, Electro and less retro 80s goth. Some of these acts that preformed at this time were Covenant who preformed in March of 2002 at Rodon club in Athens and Idrogeios club in Thessaliniki. In October of 2002 VNV Nation played at Gagarin 205 supported by Decode. Apoptygma Berzerk performed live at Rodon club in November 2002. Medieval Industry promotions and Gothic.gr organized the Hypnobeat festival, a major event that took place at X-Bug club. The festival was held on Sunday the 15th of September and featured Greek and foreign bands. Opening act was by Achimi followed by the neofolk band Defile Des Ames, Decode with their Depeche Mode covers and sound, Iambia from Thessaloniki and completing the Greek participation was Slow Motion. The Foreign acts featured Miriam, Pulcher Femina and headliners Frozen Autumn. In Thessaloniki Coil preformed live at club Idrogeios in October of 2002
Stefano Glaufx side project Body Works supported Covenant at Rodon club. Their recently released album 13 Moons is a mixture of 80’s & 90’s bass lines with 00’s quality softly distorted beats, and new forms of dance electronica. The dark ambient industrial outfit Seelenblut is the sole work of Andreas Barekas. He debuted with the album Angel’s Suicide and recently in 2001 with the album Phosphorous, both on CAPP. IAMBIA were formed in March 2000 in the city of Thessaloniki. The two main members are Dimitris D. and Elsa P. Their music can be described as a mixture of E.B.M. and power electro, combining emotions such as hate, melancholy, aggressiveness with the simultaneous presence of melody and dark mood. CAPP released their debut release under the title Prometheus. They supported Covenant in Thessaloniki and Hocico in Athens. Slow Motion released their latest album An Exponential Symphony In An Entity That Wasn’t at the end of 2000. The electrical influences in Blind Transmutations vanished and gave way to very wide and complicated symphonic neo-classical orchestrations with vocal extremities building a very strong ethereal but still fragile environment.
Other artists that have released their work on CAPP are Decadence who are a neofolk outfit which have released the album A Beheaded Winner And Fragrances Of Happiness. xARKANEx is a solo project predominantly arranged by Pandelis, better known for his contributions to the Greek neo-folk outfit Daemonia Nymphe. Arkane is a tapestry of various influences ranging from the bombastic and ritualistic to the melancholic and majestic, all woven together by threads of ambient atmospheres. The industrial outfit Dark Runner have released the albums Master Save As and lately Gently Sin, both with powerful beats, stabbing electronics and hellish doomed vocals all mashed together with plenty of distortion.
The latest Greek bands at the moment are: Stefania Dimmen is the first fetish goth act this country has ever produced and supported Clan Of Xymox in October 2002 at X-Bug club. Her debut album Aylo is due to be released soon. Nick Sebekopoulos ex-member of The Drops, now in a solo project, Achimi, has helped her a lot, co-writing the music for her songs and is a member of her band. Recently Daemonia Nymphe released their homonymous album by the French label Prikosnovenie. The band uses ancient Greek musical instruments and also sings in ancient Greek. Their sound is a blend of folk and ancient melodies with references to mythology. Decode formed at the beginning of the new millennium by Alexx Decode and Alexandros R. Their music is very much described as dark-wave, neo-romantic, and synth-pop. In 2001, their cover version of Depeche Mode’s Behind The Wheel received excellent feedback. At the moment Decode are preparing new material for their forthcoming debut CD. They supported VNV Nation at Gagarin 205.
The apocalyptic neofolk band Defile Des Ames recently appeared live at Rodon club attending the Elfentanz festival in December 2002, which featured Germany’s best, Deine Lakaien. Their debut album A Folk Way To Die will be out soon. Another act that preformed at the Elfentanz festival was Ivory Frequency. This future pop outfit that consists of George Robos and Vaso C, have a deal with the German label Dependent where they have released the album Plug In in 2002. Their single Today reached the Deutsche Alternative Charts. The electro outfit High Level Static formed in the winter of 2001 by Hermes Koukari and Stelio Liaro. They have signed to the foreign label Trisol where they released in January of 2003 their debut album Shining which contained the club hit Absence. They recently appeared live at Gagarin 205 on January the 30th 2003 supporting Icon Of Coil and Assemblage 23.
The Illusion Fades returned in 2003 with their new album In Black released on their own label Angel continuing in the same gothic rock vein as their previous work. Also Ophelia’s Garden returned with their third album entitled Lust. Tilbury On Cloves have been around for many years and have been featured in many compilations. They have a unique sound that ranges from early new wave to current electronic experimental acts. Their first album is due to be released by Popart records. They recently supported the Chameleons acoustic set at X-Bug in April of 2003. Ventirati formed in the year 2000 and have preformed live a few times. Their sound is a crossover of darkwave and garage. Past Perfect formed in December of 2000. The band is of the dark wave / goth genre and began by playing cover versions of Joy Division, Dead Can Dance and Sisters Of Mercy. They then started gigging and writing their own music. In April of 2002 they completed recording their material and was released as their debut album Whispers Of Souls In Silence by Cyberdelia records in May of 2003.
Na συμπληρώσω εγώ κ κάποια συγκροτήματα που έπαιξαν πολύ σημαντικό ρόλο στα 80’ς. Μερικά από αυτά είναι οι TVC, Magic De Spell, τα σχήματα του Ακη Μπογιατζή Libido Blume και Cpt. Nefos, Not Only Bones, The Reporters, οι synth punk rockers Αντί και Χωρίς Περιδέραιο, οι Εν Πλώ που ήταν ίσως το απόλυτο εναλλακτικό (post whatever) σχήμα που έβγαλε ποτέ η Ελλάδα, oι Scoria, οι Νinelives το side project των Γενιά του Χάους, και βέβαια οι Τhe Clown. Και άλλοι. Όσο για τα 00’ς υποθέτω ότι το κείμενο έχει γραφτεί πριν το 2004 οπότε δικαιολογείται η απουσία των Siva Six, New Zero God κλπ.
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Ας προτείνω και κάτι πιο ποπ / ροκ / ντισκο. Το 1981 κυκλοφόρησε το ομώνυμο άλμπουμ των Scraptown:
Ποπ διαθεση και έντονα στοιχεία από ροκ και ρεγκε συνθέτουν ένα πολύ συμπαθητικό αποτέλεσμα. Αν σας θυμίζει κάτι ο νεαρός που βρίσκεται δεξια στο εξώφυλλο, δεν έχετε άδικο. Είναι ο Μιχάλης Ρακιντζής.
χεχ, ο Ρακιντζης?? ελα ρε συ… Παναγιώτη αυτοι oι Scraptown λενε το Viva Sahara?
ή αλλους θυμαμαι γω?
edit: τελικα ναι, το βρηκα στο γιουτιουμπ
χοχο! :stereo: :dance: